First Energy drills 19 m of 1.17% Li2O at Augustus

Jun 9, 2021

2021-06-01 06:00 ET – News Release


Mr. Gurminder Sangha reports


First Energy Metals Ltd. has released the results of drill hole NC21-16 at its Augustus lithium property in Quebec, Canada. The drill hole intersected a 19-metre-wide zone with 1.17 per cent lithium oxide (Li2O) at 126 m drilled depth. There are anomalous values of other rare metals as well, including average values of niobium (Nb) at 77.83 parts per million (ppm), rubidium (Rb) at 1,378.58 ppm, tantalum (Ta) at 96.79 ppm, beryllium (Be) at 181 ppm and cesium (Cs) at 67.45 ppm. The average value of iron (Fe) is 0.47 per cent.

Drill hole LC21-16 was drilled at location: 287095E and 5367711N (NAD (North American datum) 1983 UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone 18N) with azimuth of 45 degrees and dip of 44.7 degrees with a total drilled depth of 288 m. All intersections reported are based on drilled width and have not been converted to true width.

Gurminder Sangha, chief executive officer of First Energy Metals, stated that: “We are pleased with the drilling results to date. This drill hole intersected larger drilled widths of lithium-bearing zones than the historically reported intersections in this area.”

The drill program is based on the historical exploration data and the company’s surface trenching and sampling program, which is currently under way. Several historical drill hole collars were also located on the property, which help in location and orientation of drill holes for the current drill program. The drill program commenced on April 5 at the property by Forage Hebert Inc. of Amos, Que., which is contracted for the drill program. A B-20 drill rig is deployed for this work, which has a capacity to drill up to 1,000-metre-deep holes. A core shack has been built near the property for drill core logging, sample preparation and storage. To date, a total of 19 drill holes with a cumulative core drilling of 3,200 m have been completed on the property. The drill core is being logged and sampled at the core shack using a rock saw. For quality control and quality assurance (QA/QC), field duplicates and blanks are being inserted at an industry-standard interval.

The samples were bagged and tagged using best practices and were delivered to Activation Laboratories (ActLabs), Ancaster, Ont., for sample preparation and analyses using laboratory code Ultratrace 7 and sodium peroxide fusion (Na2O2) as summarized below. ActLabs is an independent commercial, accredited International Organization for Standardization-certified laboratory.

Code Ultratrace 7 — peroxide fusion — inductively coupled plasma and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Samples are fused with sodium peroxide in a zirconium crucible. The fused sample is acidified with concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids. The resulting solutions are diluted and then measured by ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy) and ICP-MS. All metals are solubilized.


Fused samples are diluted and analyzed by Agilent 7900 ICP-MS. Calibration is performed using five synthetic calibration standards. A set of (10 to 20) fused certified reference material is run with every batch of samples for calibration and quality control. Fused duplicates are run every 10 samples.


Samples are analyzed with a minimum of 10 certified reference materials for the required analytes, all prepared by sodium peroxide fusion. Every 10th sample is prepared and analyzed in duplicate; a blank is prepared every 30 samples and analyzed. Samples are analyzed using a Varian 735ES ICP, and internal standards are used as part of the standard operating procedure.

Afzaal Pirzada, PGeo, geological consultant of the company and a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 — Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

About the Augustus lithium property

The company owns a 100-per-cent interest in the Augustus lithium property in Landrienne and Lacorne townships, Quebec, Canada. The property consists of 271 mining claims covering a total area of 14,155 hectares located approximately 40 kilometres northwest of the town of Val d’Or on map sheets 32C/05 and 32D08. The property claims are spread in several claim blocks optioned in 2021 from different vendors. The company has prepared a well-thought-out work plan on the property, which includes diamond drilling, metallurgical testwork to produce battery-grade lithium carbonate and resource estimation. To date, the company has compiled historical drill hole data on the property for 74 historical dill holes with cumulative drilling of 12,123.14 m, out of which 6,024 metres of drilling were completed on the property during the 1950s. Several drill hole results indicated intersections over 1 per cent lithium oxide.

About First Energy Metals Ltd.

First Energy Metals is a Canadian mineral exploration company with a primary focus of acquiring a multicommodity mineral property portfolio. Its goal is to identify, acquire and explore North American mineral prospects in the technology metal, precious metal and base metal sector.


                                   DRILL HOLE LC21-016 SAMPLE ASSAYS HIGHLIGHTS
Analyte symbol    Depth from  Depth to  Total         Li   Li2O    Be     Cs     Fe     Nb          Rb        Ta
Unit symbol                m         m      m        ppm      %   ppm    ppm      %    ppm         ppm       ppm
Detection limit                                        3            3    0.1   0.05    2.4         0.4       0.2
Analysis method                                                                                     FUS-MS-Na2O2

201819                  19.5      20.5      1      1,610   0.35   370    438   1.29   40.9       2,170      32.1
201821                    31        32      1      3,290   0.71   219  1,010   2.51     46       4,830      34.7
201822                 32.33        33   0.67      3,040   0.65   126  1,020   2.75   52.9       4,220      33.2
201823                    33        34      1        961   0.21   232    173   0.74    8.9       1,590      26.6
201824                   124       125      1      1,790   0.38   251    334    3.4   48.9       1,890      73.7
201826                   125       126      1        839   0.18   259   47.7   0.48     46         536        82
Start of mineralized intersection
201827                   126       127      1      5,250   1.13   212   50.1   0.27   67.2       1,130       108
201828                   127       128      1      6,070   1.31   213   82.7   0.54   78.8       2,000       101
201829                   128       129      1      1,750   0.38   178   75.6   0.24   69.2       1,750       157
201831                   129       130      1      4,320   0.93   223   92.6   0.33   74.3       1,920       129
201832                   130       131      1      2,560   0.55   136   74.5   0.53   67.2       1,910       156
201833                   131       132      1      3,760   0.81   195   57.4   0.28   77.5       1,010      88.9
201834                   132       133      1      1,780   0.38   321     65   0.53   59.9       1,110      97.1
201835                   133       134      1      3,740   0.80   114   52.1   0.46  101.8       1,360      73.9
201836                   134       135      1      5,970   1.28   174   39.3   0.82  111.8         828      56.7
201837                   135       136      1      9,440   2.03   109   61.1   0.48   76.5       1,230      49.8
201838                   136       137      1      8,330   1.79   136   60.6   0.65   81.5         785      67.6
201839                   137       138      1      7,430   1.60   188   88.4   0.43   81.6       1,460      83.1
201841                   138       139      1      7,500   1.61   182   79.4   0.33     80       1,550       136
201842                   139       140      1      8,000   1.72   189   87.9   0.57   79.6       1,670       178
201843                   140       141      1      4,920   1.06   212   71.9   0.37     77       1,440      76.7
201844                   141       142      1      5,270   1.13   141   54.7   0.72     77       1,010        78
201845                   142       143      1      5,040   1.08   176   63.6   0.37   60.5       1,090      51.6
201846                   143       144      1      5,800   1.25   173   66.6   0.63   87.4       1,420        54
201847                   144       145      1      6,360   1.37   167     58    0.4     70       1,520      96.7
Total width/average 
assays                 126 m     145 m   19 m   5,436.32   1.17   181  67.45   0.47  77.83    1,378.58     96.79
201848                   145    145.73   0.73        273   0.06   334     33   0.59   82.5         387      62.4
201849                 173.5     174.5      1        699   0.15   232    135   1.22   89.2         824      71.6
201851                 174.5     175.5      1      2,670   0.57   505   52.7   0.36   83.6         670      63.8
201852                 175.5     176.5      1      1,360   0.29   265   33.3   0.59   89.1         483      70.1
201853                 176.5     177.5      1      3,170   0.68   241   68.4   0.43   76.3       1,990      66.1
201854                 177.5     178.5      1      5,590   1.20   139   75.9   0.74   72.7       1,990      67.8
201855                 178.5     179.3    0.8        938   0.20   170    147    0.7  105.4       1,300        75
201856                 180.2     180.8    0.6      3,660   0.79   194   46.9   0.75   87.5         869      69.5
201857                 180.8     181.4    0.6      8,340   1.79   205    150   0.69   61.2       1,060      55.2
201858                 183.6     184.5    0.9      1,150   0.25    87   44.2   0.63   79.8       2,030      39.7
201859                 184.5       185    0.5      1,270   0.27    97   36.7   0.42  112.6       1,570      55.8
201861                   185       186      1      5,730   1.23   279   61.4   0.48  107.2       1,580        60
201862                   186     186.7    0.7      1,800   0.39   139   88.1    0.8   77.3         893      61.8

A standard conversion factor of 2.15 was used to report Li to Li2O values.     
All intersections reported are based on drilled width and have not been converted to the 
true width.


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