Appia drills 26.70m of 0.246 wt% TREO at Alces Lake

Mar 20, 2023

2023-03-20 10:23 ET – News Release


Mr. Tom Drivas reports


Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. has released geochemical assay results from 2022 diamond drilling of the Magnet Ridge Zone on its 100 per cent-owned Alces Lake Rare Earth Elements (REES) Property, Northern Saskatchewan.

Final assays for Appia’s 2022 Alces Lake diamond drilling program have been received, compiled, and interpreted zone-by-zone. The second set of results is reported here. Further results will follow once all the results are finalized.

Highlights from the Magnet Ridge drilling program are listed as follows:


  • Drilling intersected thick sequences of REES from surface to 85 meters depth, with drilled widths up to 28.19 meters;
  • The discovered mineralization intervals are similar in nature and larger in size when compared to the AMP Zone at WRCB;
  • Total rare earths oxide (TREO) assays of up to 0.65 wt. per cent (6500 ppm) TREO were returned, with thickness and grades increasing by >50 per cent to the south-southeast; all within 85 meters of surface;
  • 19.85m @ 0.317 wt. per cent TREO including 8.94m @ 0.467 wt. per cent TREO in hole 22-AUG-031;
  • 18.67m @ 0.245 wt. per cent TREO including 9.02m @ 0.344 wt. per cent TREO in hole 22-AUG-030;
  • 26.70m @ 0.246 wt. per cent TREO including 6.08m @ 0.305 wt. per cent TREO in hole 22-AUG-013;
  • 28.19m @ 0.190 wt. per cent TREO including 3.07m @ 0.506 wt. per cent TREO in hole 22-AUG-026;
  • Follow-up drilling is warranted.


In 2022, the Company drilled the Magnet Ridge (formally Augier) prospect (located SSE of WRCB) for the first time and intersected REE mineralization in 27 of 34 DDHs near surface over significant strike length and drilled widths exceeding 28 metres.

The Magnet Ridge zone was discovered from interpreted results of a 2021 airborne radiometric (U-Th-K) survey, and is exposed on surface as a large 500m long and 150m wide zone of thorium enrichment along the same km-scale SSE-trending structural corridor hosting the monazite-rich REE zones of the WRCB area. Mineralization at Magnet Ridge remains open to the SSE and to the NNW for follow-up drilling in 2023. Radiometric Thorium (Th) is an important proxy for delineating monazite mineralization at Alces Lake. A representative X-section suggests that the structural geometry of the mineralization is complex and probably folded.

Vice President of Exploration Irvine Annesley says “The Company is excited that our very first drilling program at Magnet Ridge yielded these highly anomalous results. Like the WRCB area’s AMP zone, the mineralization style/type at Magnet Ridge opens new potential for large-volume, high-tonnage REE deposits over significant strike-length at Alces Lake”.

Comprehensive interpretation and modeling of the WRCB and Magnet Ridge mineralized zones have indicated that follow-up geophysical and geochemical surveys are necessary along and across the highest-priority areas of a major structural corridor that extends south-southeast from the main mineralized zones at WRCB to Magnet Ridge and then for another 20 to 25 km. These surveys will facilitate delineation and mapping of REE mineralized (monazite-bearing) pegmatites and associated glimmerites within this structural corridor to establish new drill targets. The petrophysical characteristics (i.e. density, radiometric, and magnetic properties) of monazite will be maximized as a vectoring tool(s) for finding new targets (i.e. by utilizing leading edge exploration technology like airborne radiometrics/magnetics/3D gravity gradiometer surveys at optimal line spacing/orientation).

The Alces Lake project encompasses some of the highest-grade total and critical* REEs and gallium mineralization in the world, hosted within several surface and near-surface monazite-bearing occurrences that remain open at depth and along strike.

* Critical rare earth elements are defined here as those that are in short-supply and high-demand for use in permanent magnets and modern electronic applications such as electric vehicles and wind turbines (i.e: neodymium (Nd), praseodymium (Pr), dysprosium (Dy) and terbium (Tb)).

The Alces Lake project is located in northern Saskatchewan, the same provincial jurisdiction that is developing a “first-of-its-kind” rare earth processing facility in Canada (currently under construction by the Saskatchewan Research Council and scheduled to become fully operational in early 2024). The Alces Lake project area is 38,522.43 contiguous hectares (95,191.00 acres) in size and is 100 per cent owned by Appia.

All lithogeochemical assay results of core samples were provided by Saskatchewan Research Council’s Geoanalytical Laboratory, an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (CAN-P-4E) certified laboratory in Saskatoon, SK. All analytical results reported herein have passed internal QA/QC review and compilation.

The technical content in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dr. Irvine R. Annesley, P.Geo, Vice-President Exploration, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

About Appia Rare Earths and Uranium Corp.

Appia is a publicly traded Canadian company in the rare earth element and uranium sectors. The Company is currently focusing on delineating high-grade critical rare earth elements and gallium on the Alces Lake property, as well as exploring for high-grade uranium in the prolific Athabasca Basin on its Otherside, Loranger, North Wollaston, and Eastside properties. The Company holds the surface rights to exploration for 113,837.15 hectares (281,297.72 acres) in Saskatchewan. The Company also has a 100 per cent interest in 12,545 hectares (31,000 acres), with rare earth element and uranium deposits over five mineralized zones in the Elliot Lake Camp, Ontario.

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