West High Yield submits permit application for Record
2019-02-14 11:16 ET – News Release
Mr. Frank Marasco reports
West High Yield (W.H.Y.) Resources Ltd. has submitted a joint permit application for a Mines Act permit and Environmental Management Act permit proposing to develop and operate its Record Ridge industrial mineral mine magnesium (RRIMM) project near Rossland, B.C.
This Permit Application’s structure and content follows the guidance provided in the “Joint Application Information Requirements for Mines Act and Environmental Management Act Permits” (dated February 2016) prepared by the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines and the BC Ministry of Environment (together, the “Ministries”) and associated draft Section 4 revision (dated March 22, 2018). In addition, the Permit Application addresses the list of information requirements as per the Joint Information Requirements Table (“IRT”) that was developed and reviewed by the Mine Development Review Committee of the Major Mines Permitting Office, specifically for the RRIMM Project.
The Company began an extensive program of collecting environmental data in 2016 under the guidance and direction of Greenwood Environmental Inc. and in close coordination with SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. who provided engineering oversight and mine planning. The Company’s RRIMM Project team has met weekly and has participated with the reviewers from the Ministries in the pre-application phase to determine the requirements and any specifics and methodologies that were or may be required for the Permit Application.
The Permit Application will now be screened against the information required in its unique IRT and any changes or additional information requested will be considered by the Company. The Permit Application includes the principal report and 31 individual management reports and environmental assessments.
About West High Yield
West High Yield is a publicly traded junior mining exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties in Canada.
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