U-Turn For Uranium As U.S. Decides If Miners Pose National Security Threat

Mar 22, 2019

U-Turn For Uranium As U.S. Decides If Miners Pose National Security Threat


Listen to the Wall Street experts ask the questions

March 18, 2019

Join Us: Rick Rule talks uranium + Blue Sky Uranium “Town Hall” live (& replay) webinar, Mon, Mar 25, 4:05 PM EDT – uranium discovery.

There’s renewed interest in the uranium sector. All data indicated a very interesting 2019 for the uranium price. Here to tell us more about this is Rick Rule, President and CEO, Sprott US Holdings Inc. in a highly anticipated interview with Ellis Martin of The Ellis Martin Report on Monday, March 25th, 4:05 PM Eastern (1:05 PM PT.) Register for the live and/or alerts to the replay. After the interview we will see a presentation by Blue Sky Uranium Corp. Blue Sky (TSX.V: BSK; OTC: BKUCF) is Argentina’s best-positioned uranium & vanadium exploration companies with more than 4,500 km2 (450,000 ha) of prospective tenements. Rick RuleEllis MartinBlue Sky, presentationstock price (CA)stock price (US)click here to pre-register

Along with a live presentation by management, there will be an expert Q&A panel of Wall Street veterans asking the tough questions you may not have thought to ask. There will also be an opportunity to send in your questions.

Now all you have to do is listen… Click below to pre-register (required):

Blue Sky Uranium Corp. (TSX.V: BSK; FSE: MAL2.F; OTC: BKUCF) is one of Argentina’s best-positioned uranium & vanadium exploration companies with more than 4,500 km2 (450,000 ha) of prospective tenements. The Company’s mission is to deliver exceptional returns to shareholders by acquiring, exploring and advancing towards production a portfolio of uranium & vanadium projects, with an emphasis on near-surface deposits with the potential for near-term low-cost production.

Argentina is the largest generator of electricity from nuclear energy in South America. The country is working to further expand their nuclear energy sector with additional power plants, but currently lacks domestic uranium production. Argentina’s desire for security of supply could provide a “guaranteed” first customer for a new domestic supplier. Large scale production could make Argentina a strategic exporter of uranium to the international nuclear energy sector.

Blue Sky’s exploration work between 2007 and 2012 led to the discovery of a new uranium district in Rio Negro Province. The Company’s Amarillo Grande Project covers the district with three major properties, including the Ivana near-surface uranium deposit which hosts the largest NI 43-101 uranium resource in the country; Ivana also has potentially significant vanadium credits. Other exploration targets for blind uranium and vanadium mineralization are also present within the project area. The close proximity of the properties & targets provides the potential for an integrated, low-cost uranium-vanadium producing operation, making Blue Sky an excellent candidate to be the first near-term uranium producer in Argentina.

The Company is a member of the Grosso Group, a resource-focused management group that pioneered the mineral exploration industry in Argentina and has operated there since 1993. The group is credited with four exceptional mineral deposit discoveries, and has a highly-regarded track-record for fostering strong relationships with the communities and governments where it works. The Grosso Group leverages its vast network of local, regional and international industry contacts to support the exploration team as they search for quality resource opportunities

We hope you’ll make the webinar.

Click here to pre-register (required): https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2010172635296796163


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