Jay Taylor has provided a review and updated recommendation on Triumph Gold Corp. $TIG $TIGCF.
In this newsletter, Jay has provided a review of the first two drill results from the Freegold Mountain project’s 2019 exploration season and drill program. The Freegold Mountain property is a 200
sq.km. district scale gold-copper project located within the Dawson Range in Yukon Territory and has a government maintained road running throughout the property.
Excerpt from newsletter:
Jay: “This is another amazingly underappreciated stock. I say that not only because of the company’s multimillion-ounce AuEq resource on its Freegold Mountain project in the Yukon – which becomes even more valuable simply by virtue of gold trading at much higher levels – but also because of two very important drill intercepts announced on September 12. Specifically, Hole RVC19-02 intersected the following:
* Starting at 77.52 meters, a 400.48-meter intersection (RVD19-02, 77.52 – 478.00m) of epithermal style mineralization at the WAu Breccia with 1.21 grams per tonne (g/t) gold equivalent, containing 0.73 g/t gold and 0.23% copper, more than doubling the previously known depth of mineralization.
* A 102.50-meter intersection (RVD19-02, 560.50 – 663.00) of gold-rich porphyry related mineralization (strongly potassic altered granite and chalcopyrite-magnetite breccia), with 1.26 g/t AuEq, containing 0.73 g/t Au and 0.18% Cu.”
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