Tocvan identifies major structures at Pilar
2020-08-25 06:28 ET – News Release
Mr. Derek Wood reports
Tocvan Ventures Corp. has released initial results from the structural analysis at the Pilar gold-silver project in Sonora, Mexico.
Major significant large structures (plumbing) with significant depth extents containing additional structures favourable for gold-silver mineralization have been recognized on the property. These standout features cover a large area extending across the property from the northwest to the southeast.
Structural analyses have begun on the Pilar project incorporating all the data that have been collected to date. The goal is to establish drill targets to intercept grades similar to the high grades found in the historic hole S-10 of over 1.7 ounces per ton gold and silver over an intercept of 16.5 metres located in the North Hill zone. Gold and silver are located within and about structures. Structures act as conduits or plumbing for metal-mineral-rich fluids to flow through and deposit.
The initial overview of the 3-D inversion of magnetic susceptibility data has revealed standout significant major structures that are universally associated with plumbing systems for gold-silver fluid flow and deposition. It is important and key to note that epithermal-style mineralization, as with the Pilar project, relies on structure (plumbing) in order to form a gold and silver deposit. Structures appear as shear zones, faults, brecciated rock, rotational gashes within shear zones and other such dilation structures. Where there are structures of expansion and other openings then heated gold-silver-bearing fluids can deposit.
For a high-quality analysis two consulting firms have come together to begin a joint examination: Dr. Marion Iseppi, PhD, structural geologist with SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., and Jeremy S. Brett, MSc, PGeo, senior geophysical consultant with MPH Consulting Ltd.
SRK commented: “SRK Consulting initiated a structural analysis of the Pilar property. A preliminary structural analysis of recently acquired ground magnetic and induced polarization (IP) data revealed several areas of structural complexity that usually represent high permeability zones as well as postmineral faults that displace the supergene profile, and which may constitute postmineralization reactivation of important syn-mineralization structures.” (Supergene is a mineral enrichment process that is known to deposit metals in higher contents as opposed to the primary ore.)
There are several initial findings that include a major significant large structure trending northwest-southeast with approximate dimensions of 250 m by 1,000 m with vertical extents measured in multiple hundreds of metres extending to surface, and bounded within this main structure corridor are additional structures trending north-south with approximate lengths of 300 m. Previous workers performing a structural overview described the northwest-southeast structure as a structural corridor holding a shear zone with rotational features. Such features provide excellent means of plumbing for metal-mineral-rich fluids to flow through and deposit.
Images on the company’s website show a plan view of a 3-D inversion magnetic susceptibility slice at about 350 m depth and the full voxel of the magnetic inversion. Comparing two of the images, the vast majority of the historic drilling has primarily been at shallow depths extending to about 125 m in the Main zone and the North Hill zone (the location of the S-10 drill hole with over 1.7 ounces per ton gold and silver over 16.5 m).
There is clear opportunity to intercept mineralized targets extending to depth, consistent with an epithermal model of mineralization with the very real possibility, and goal, of intercepting high-grade gold and silver similar to the historic S-10 hole.
Derek Wood, chief executive officer, commented: “We are extremely enthusiastic that the work done at every stage of exploration since negotiating the option to acquire up to 100-per-cent interest in the Pilar property has exceeded expectations and increased our understanding and the potential of the property both as having near-term production capability and now as potential to host a world-class discovery.
“Previous drilling had identified a high-grade system at surface in the northwest area of the property known as the Main zone. Upcoming drilling will be focused on expanding areas of known high-grade gold and silver mineralization at surface within areas of previous drilling success and also will now test newly discovered at surface zones and will include deeper drilling to test the mineralization within the newly identified IP anomaly. I would like to thank Mark Smethurst for his work in advancing exploration activity on time and on budget in spite of challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Special note
The current world health situation requires adjustments to work programs; health and safety are considered first.
Current health advice is for families and groups to self-isolate and to use caution with suggested recommendations from health leaders when social distancing becomes a challenge. Countries are beginning to allow businesses to operate again. Isolation is an inherent part of mineral development programs.
About the Pilar property
The Pilar gold-silver property has been identified as a structurally controlled low sulphidation epithermal project hosted in andesite and rhyolite rocks. Hydrothermal fluids carrying gold, silver and other minerals are transported through the pre-existing structures and deposit out of the fluids and become emplaced within the structures and surrounding host rock.
Three zones of mineralization have been identified in the northwest part of the property from historic surface work and drilling and are referred to as the Main zone, North Hill and 4 Trench. Structural features and zones of mineralization within the structures follow an overall northwest-southeast trend of mineralization. Over 17,700 metres of drilling have been completed to date. Significant results are highlighted below from previous operators:
- 17,700 m of core and reverse circulation drilling; highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses):
- 0.73 g/t Au over 40 m;
- 0.75 g/t Au over 61 m;
- 17.3 g/t Au over 1.5 m;
- 5.27 g/t Au over three m;
- 53.47 g/t Au and 53.4 g/t silver over 16 m;
- 9.64 g/t Au over 13 m;
- 10.6 g/t Au and 37.8 g/t Ag over nine m;
- 2,650 m of surface and trench channel sampling; highlights include:
- 55 g/t Au over three m;
- 28.6 g/t Au over six m;
- 3.39 g/t Au over 50 m;
- Soil sampling results from undrilled areas indicating mineralization extends toward the southeast from the Main zone, North Hill zone and 4 Trench zone.
Additional areas of mineralization have been identified resulting from surface rock grab sample assay results that extend known mineralized trends and show a second northwest-southeast trend of mineralization to the east parallel to the trending zone described above; gold-silver mineralization is indicated across the property from the north to the south; see press release dated Jan. 7, 2020. Significant results from that particular survey are highlighted in the associated table.
Sample No. Au Ag Cu Pb (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) PILAR-MTS-02 0.9 14.3 0.261 0.003 PILAR-MTS-03 1.3 5.4 0.338 0.002 PILAR-MTS-05 0.8 12.7 0.129 0.002 PILAR-MTS-06 3.2 8.3 0.350 0.001 PILAR-MTS-09 0.2 2.2 1.255 0.005 PILAR-MTS-10 0.9 17.2 0.734 0.010 PILAR-MTS-11 3.8 57.4 0.846 0.005 PILAR-MTS-12 0.0 5.6 1.910 0.001 PILAR-MTS-13 0.0 12.9 0.946 0.001 PILAR-MTS-14 0.1 3.3 1.400 0.001 PILAR-MTS-19 0.8 1.7 0.013 0.008 PILAR-MTS-20 5.6 84.2 0.088 1.710 PILAR-MTS-21 0.7 20.3 0.027 0.185 PILAR-MTS-22 9.3 76.4 0.120 2.150 PILAR-MTS-25 0.5 323.0 0.016 0.242 PILAR-MTS-26 1.4 2.4 0.002 0.013 PILAR-MTS-27 2.2 14.7 0.012 0.259 PILAR-MTS-29 4.3 172.0 0.086 1.125 PILAR-MTS-30 23.7 116.0 0.089 0.040 PILAR-MTS-33 4.4 44.5 0.109 0.036 PILAR-MTS-34 7.5 41.9 0.044 0.022 PILAR-MTS-35 2.2 3.5 0.179 0.008
The technical information in this news release pertaining to geological data and their interpretation has been prepared by Mark T. Smethurst, PGeo, chief operating officer, director of the company and a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 — Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
About Tocvan Ventures Corp.
Tocvan is a well-structured exploration mining company. Tocvan was created in order to take advantage of the prolonged downturn in the junior mining exploration sector by identifying and negotiating interest in opportunities where management feels the company can build upon previous success. Tocvan Ventures currently has approximately 18.9 million shares outstanding and is earning into two existing opportunities: the Pilar gold project in Sonora state of Mexico and the Rogers Creek project in Southern British Columbia. Management feels both projects represent tremendous opportunity.