Tartisan files updated 2018, Q1 2019 MD&A
2019-01-11 13:04 ET – News Release
An anonymous director reports
Tartisan Nickel Corp. has filed an updated management discussion and analysis on SEDAR for the company’s fiscal year ended 2018 and for the first quarter of 2019. The company has refiled the Q1 2019 financial statements as an omission occurred as a notation identifying that the company’s auditor had not reviewed said Q1 2019 financial statements was inadvertently omitted. The refilings have occurred following a continuous disclosure review conducted by staff of the Ontario Securities Commission and in co-operation with the company.
The updates include, but are not limited to, refiling of the management discussion and analysis for the fiscal year ended 2018 and for the first quarter of 2019. The additional detail provided relates to mineral property descriptions, work conducted, contemplated project budgets and clarifications pertaining to its accounting policy. Additional detail is also provided for general and administrative expenses and for marketing and corporate finance activities. Additionally, the company has retracted the aged Kenbridge project preliminary economic assessment (originally filed on SEDAR in 2008 and amended in 2010 by Canadian Arrow Mines Ltd.) from the company’s website and corporate materials. The company intends to provide an update to the National Instrument 43-101 technical report later in 2019, specific to the Kenbridge project.
Jim Steel, master of business administration, professional geoscientist, is the qualified person under NI 43-101 and has read and approved the technical content of this news release.
About Tartisan Nickel Corp.
Tartisan is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company which owns the Kenbridge nickel-copper-cobalt project in Ontario, Canada. In addition, the company owns a 100-per-cent stake in the Don Pancho zinc-lead-silver project and a 100-per-cent stake in the Ichuna copper-silver project, both located in Peru. Tartisan owns an equity stake (six million common shares and three million full warrants at 40 cents per share) in Eloro Resources Ltd., which is exploring the low-sulphidation epithermal La Victoria gold/silver project in Ancash, Peru. The company also owns 1.75 million common shares of VaniCom Resources Ltd., a private Australian exploration and development resource company.
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