Opawica Explorations completes drilling at Arrowhead

Jun 30, 2022

2022-06-29 16:04 ET – News Release


Mr. Blake Morgan reports


Opawica Explorations Inc. has completed its maiden drill program on the Arrowhead property in the Rouyn-Noranda camp of the Abitibi in Quebec.

Highlights include:


  • To date, the Company has drilled 13 holes on the Arrowhead Property, comprising 4,305.7 metres. The Company has sent 1,577 rock samples, representing 1,844.75 linear metres, for assay to ALS in Quebec.
  • The drill program targeted the Cadillac shear zone and intersected prospective geology with a variable amount of quartz veining, brecciation, silicification and quartz stockwork, with associated sulphides.
  • Visible gold was encountered in a quartz vein shear zone in hole AR-22-13 at a depth of approximately 375.945 metres.Time-domain downhole EM survey were performed on four holes including AR22-04.
  • The Company has intersected a section of 16.9 meters (AR-22-04) of silicified mafic tuff interbedded with felsic lapilli tuffs, quart-feldspar veins, and quartz veins.


Company President and chief executive officer Blake Morgan commented, ” The Opawica team is thrilled with our maiden drill program on the Arrowhead Project. With visible gold and numerous intersections of up to nearly 17 metres. The team eagerly await assays results and will begin preparations for our phase 2 drill program. Phase two will take place later this year once all data has been received.”

The Company has engaged services TMC Geophysics (TMC) of Val-d’or to undertake a downhole 3D Borehole Pulse EM Time Domain survey on four drill holes AR-22-04, AR-22-5, AR22-09 and AR-22-10 (see below). The surveys were done to help identify mineralization that does not have a surface expression.

A 3D Borehole Pulse EM system is used in which an axial component (Z) probe and a cross component (XY) probe measure the three components of the induced secondary field. The first pass with the ‘Z’ probe detects any in-hole or off-hole anomalies and gives information on size, conductivity, and distances to the edge of conductors. The second pass with the ‘XY’ probe measures two orthogonal components of the EM field in a plane oriented at right angles with the borehole. These results give directional information about the center of the conductive body.

The Arrowhead Project is mainly covered by the metavolcanites of the Blake River Group. Strata are oriented east-west and present a subvertical dip. Volcanic and sedimentary rocks form a series of east-west-trending, steeply dipping monoclinal panels. The sequences are separated by longitudinal contacts parallel to the lithologies. In the southern part of Joannes township, the Cadillac Fault runs along an east-west axis over a lateral distance of about 150 kilometres. In the province of Quebec, more than 40 gold deposits that have produced over 60 million ounces of gold in the past hundred years and are associated with this major structure and its subsidiary faults.*

Figure 1. 3D Borehole Pulse EM system To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/1541/129405_48694fd9546f2800_001full.jpg

Derrick Strickland, P. Geo (OGQ No. 35402), independent consultant to the company has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release. * The Qualified Person has been unable to verify the information on the adjacent properties. Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby and/or geologically similar properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company’s properties.

About Opawica Explorations Inc.

Opawica Explorations Inc. is a junior Canadian exploration company with a strong portfolio of precious and base metal properties within the Rouyn-Noranda region of the Abitibi Gold Belt in Quebec and in Central Newfoundland and Labrador. The Company’s management has a great track record in discovering and developing successful exploration projects. The Company’s objective is to increase shareholder value through the development of exploration properties using cost effective exploration practices, acquiring further exploration properties, and seeking partnerships by either joint venture or sale with industry leaders.

We seek Safe Harbor.


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