Northstar Gold Corp. To present at Take Stock Live Webinar Wednesday September 02 at 4:15 EDT / 2:15 MDT / 1:15 PDT

Sep 1, 2020

Northstar Gold will be presenting updates to the current exploration activity at the Miller Gold Property and Probity Capital Corp will be discussing their approach to the resource market through a diversified tax efficient approach.

Wednesday September 2nd 2:15 MDT 4:15 EDT

Preregistration required. Ensure you select the September 2nd event on the registration form.

Please Click to link to the TakeStock Registration Page

Presenting Companies:

Northstar Logo Vectors Gold

Northstar Gold Corp (NSG: CSE) is a public company focused on the exploration, development and acquisition of quality exploration properties in the prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Our flagship Property is the Kirkland Lake / Lamaque “style”, historic resource-stage 100% owned Miller Gold Property, located 18km southeast of Kirkland Lake, Ontario.



Probity Capital Corporation provides alternative flow through structure and process to align interests for investors, issuers, advisors, and fund management.

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