Nine Mile Metals receives Nine Mile water results

Nov 7, 2023

2023-11-07 13:29 ET – News Release

Mr. Patrick Cruickshank reports


Nine Mile Metals Ltd. has received the completed Nine Mile Brook Lens bulk sample water baseline results and final report from GEMTEC Consulting Engineers and Scientists Ltd. for the Nine Mile Brook Lens bulk sample project and is completing the engineering site plan this week.

GEMTEC has delivered Nine Mile Metals its Final Report complete with the Baseline Water & Sediments Lab Certified Results to act as the Project’s baseline levels for its upcoming Bulk Sample Project.

Per the Province of New Brunswick Department of Natural Resource and Energy Development Minerals and Petroleum Development Branch’s “Guide to the Development of a Mining and Reclamation Plan” document, the results will be forwarded to the NB DEM to provide the baseline surface water chemistry data, and baseline metal concentrations in sediment samples collected from watercourses that may be impacted by the development or operation of the Project.

Gemtec’s Engineering Team will be conducting its final site visit today with its UAV drone to complete Lidar mapping and site design analysis. The Final Engineering Site Plan is expected to be received next week.

Nine Mile Metals will submit its Bulk Sample Permit filing next week once the Engineering Site Plan is received.

Nine Mile Metals has selected and contacted the necessary Vendors for the execution of the Bulk Sample Program. We are in the process of receiving quotes for the program from highly experienced Bathurst Mining Camp Bulk Sample Excavation partners.

Nine Mile expects to have cost analysis and vendor availability of the Bulk Sample Project summarized within a week of distributing the Final Engineering Site Plan and is optimistic of commencing the excavation during the 1st quarter of 2024.

Recap of Water Sampling Project Analysis:

The surface water samples were sent to RPC Science and Engineering (” RPC “) in Fredericton, NB, for analysis of general chemistry, total suspended solids, total metals, as well as dissolved manganese, zinc, organic carbon, and petroleum hydrocarbons. The sediment samples were also sent for analysis, specifically for available metals and petroleum hydrocarbons (see Figures 2, 3, 4).

Field water quality parameters, including conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature, were measured using a multiparameter water quality meter. Proper QA/QC protocols were followed, which included submitting two duplicate samples for laboratory analyses-namely, one surface water sample and one sediment sample.

In addition to surface water sampling, flow measurements were recorded at each of the 6 sampling sites (3 – 5 points along a transect perpendicular to the flow at each sampling site) using a Marsh M2000 Flo-Mate device. This allows for the calculation of watercourse discharge rates, volume, and speed.

The locations were selected based on 1:50,000 topo map drainage, and cover Nine Mile Brook, Boucher Brook, and a tributary to Nine Mile Brook located south of the Project. Sample locations were chosen to represent both upgradient and downgradient areas to provide reference data as the Project progresses.

Patrick J. Cruickshank, CEO and Director, stated, “We are extremely pleased to announce the continued evolution of our Nine Mile Brook Bulk Sample Project in Bathurst. Now that we have received the Baseline Certified Lab Results and Final Report, Gemtec’s expert design team can now develop our site plan, the design to be environmentally friendly with a minimal footprint that also delivers the optimal excavation process with a restoration design model for the Nine Mile Brook claim area. Nine Mile Metals has selected its vendors of choice for the site plan excavation and processing stages. The Vendors are experienced specialists from the Bathurst Mining Camp with decades of experience in Bulk Sampling Projects and trenching. We look forward to announcing the design plan and permit filing later this month to the NB DEM. This is a major step for Nine Mile in its exploration programs in their eastern Camp Portfolio.”

The disclosure of technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and reviewed and approved by Gary Lohman, B.Sc., P. Geo., VP Exploration and Director who acts as the Company’s Qualified Person and is not independent of the Company.

About Nine Mile Metals Ltd.:

Nine Mile Metals Ltd. is a Canadian public mineral exploration company focused on Critical Minerals Exploration (CME) VMS (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Au) exploration in the world-famous Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada. The Company’s primary business objective is to explore its four VMS Projects: Nine Mile Brook VMS; California Lake VMS; Canoe Landing Lake (East-West) VMS and the new Wedge VMS Projects. The Company is focused on Critical Minerals Exploration (CME), positioning for the boom in EV and green technologies requiring Copper, Silver, Lead and Zinc with a hedge with Gold.

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