Nexus Gold property agreement amended

Dec 10, 2019

2019-12-09 20:04 ET – Property Agreement

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an amendment agreement dated Aug. 30, 2019, between Nexus Gold Corp. and Nexus Gold Corp. Burkina SARL (a 100-per-cent owned subsidiary of the company), and Belemyida SA (the vendor), whereby the vendor has agreed to amend the terms of an existing property option agreement dated Aug. 30, 2017, to extend the deadlines for payment and share issuances through Nov. 30, 2024. Consideration for the vendor extending the payment deadlines is an additional 250,000 common shares.

Please see the exchange bulletin dated Sept. 6, 2017, for the original exchange acceptance and the company’s news release dated Dec. 4, 2019, for full details.

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