MGX partner PurLucid installs waste system in Alta.

Oct 31, 2018

2018-10-30 06:14 ET – News Release

Mr. Jared Lazerson reports


MGX Minerals Inc.’s engineering partner PurLucid Treatment Solutions has deployed the first advanced waste water treatment system in Alberta. The customer will pay $35 per cubic metre for evaporator blowdown waste water (EBD) processing. Delivery of first EBD waste water is expected to occur on Nov. 13. The system, capable of processing five cubic metres per hour, is expected to operate at full capacity. The system will take highly concentrated EBD waste water and treat it to a level suitable for reuse or standard low-cost disposals of clean liquids and physical solids and particulate. The system will provide significant cost savings for the customer.

Deployment of this system represents the first scheduled system for installation. The second installation will be a high-temperature 10-cubic-metre-per-hour system in approximately two months. This system is currently undergoing flow testing at PurLucid manufacturing facility in Calgary, Alta. The water processing rate is expected to also be $35 per cubic metre for waste disposal and the system is expected to operate at full capacity. The technology provides superior treatment outcomes when compared with conventional technology and can do so without cooling water first. This will result in significantly less energy use for water treatment and also eliminate the single major operational challenge of a steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) facility, which is heat exchanger fouling. A third system is currently in fabrication and is a larger-scale version (20 cubic metres per hour) of the first system intended to treat one-through steam generator (OTSG) boiler blowdown.

Due to the requirements of National Instrument 43-101, the company cannot project or comment on mineral extraction revenue from waste water, if any, until a preliminary economic assessment, prefeasibility study or actual mineral sales has occurred.

Rapid lithium brine extraction technology

MGX has developed a rapid lithium extraction technology eliminating or greatly reducing the physical footprint and investment in large, multiphase, lake-sized, lined evaporation ponds, as well as enhancing the quality of extraction and recovery across a complex range of brines as compared with traditional solar evaporation. This technology is applicable to petrolithium (oil and gas waste water), natural brine, and other brine sources such as lithium-rich mine and industrial plant waste water. The technology was recently chosen as winner of the Base and Specialty Metals Industry leadership award at the 2018 S&P Global Platts Global Metals Awards, held in London in May (see press release dated May 18, 2018).

About MGX Minerals Inc.

MGX Minerals is a diversified Canadian resource company with interests in lithium, magnesium and silicon assets throughout North America.

We seek Safe Harbor.

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