Manganese X to apply for FDA OK for PureBiotic mist
2021-10-14 01:07 ET – News Release
Mr. Martin Kepman reports
Manganese X Energy Corp.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Disruptive Battery Corp. (DBC), in conjunction with its U.S. joint venture partner, PureBiotic Air Corp., has received additional positive results from its continuing long-term research study conducted by Virginia State University (VSU). This has been despite the delays caused by the COVID-19 restrictions which have been affecting most university campuses and research facilities.
It should be noted that after receiving additional positive results the Company will soon be announcing a series of registrations, certifications and regulatory product applications of significant interest.
Martin Kepman, CEO, comments: “We continue to evolve our misting solution for the mitigation of pathogens including COVID-19. Research is showing positive efficacy. We are now moving towards making additional certifications including applying for FDA approval.”
In the VSU’s latest round of testing, the priority was documenting the risk reduction on an important range of pathogens and biofilm, including COVID-19, utilizing the PureBiotic Mist Solution on surfaces, in addition to air. The VSU researchers have produced effective and encouraging results on the PureBiotics Solution’s effect on biofilm. This is important to note since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has rated biofilm, where pathogens like COVID-19 and other pathogens are found, to be responsible for some 80% of all infections. Biofilm provides a protective environment for pathogens from disinfectants and antibiotics. The deconstruction of biofilm removes the “protective home” and therefore helps protect against COVID-19 and other contaminants.
Also of importance, the University laboratory was able to recently produce growths of different types of biofilms required for testing of the PureBiotic AIR HVAC Delivery System for the mitigation of other types of infection risks, such as COVID-19. This testing showed that the PureBiotic Mist can be effective in helping to deconstruct biofilm in an HVAC setting.
In addition to the recent tests administered by VSU, the University research team compiled and researched all other testing completed to date by a wide variety of hospitals, universities, and other organizations. This research has proven that the PureBiotics technology has the ability to simply, easily & economically control Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus, MRSA 90%, Pseudomonas 82%, Candida Spp. 90%, Coliforms 92%, Acinetobacter spp. 78%, etc. It was also observed that the effect of suppression caused by the PureBiotic Formulation was stable over the course of time. Demonstrating that the reduction of pathogens in the environment resulted in a corresponding reduction in nosocomial infections over a relatively long period of time.
With these new studies and former research re-confirming the effectiveness of the PureBiotics Technologies, VSU is adding testing sites to their on-going study. These tests will determine how economically viable the PureBiotics Formulations are in eliminating the risk of infections, with the additional benefits of providing safer, cleaner and odor free facilities.
Former VSU Research on PureBiotics Solution’s Effectiveness
PureBiotic Solutions came to the attention of the VSU lab in 2018, when several production facilities in Indiana and Georgia that were using PureBiotics products, requested testing for controlling Salmonella, a pathogen that accounts for a large number of illnesses & hospitalizations in the USA annually. This was followed up by VSU with further testing for Aspergillus, a common mold that kill an estimated 1.5 million people globally each year and sicken many millions more. Both these series of tests on the use of the PureBiotic Solutions were successful.
In testing against a wide group of chemical disinfectants currently used in hospitals, the PureBiotics formulations proved to be from 78% to 92% more effective, depending on the type of infection risk to eradicate.
The company is not making any express or implied claim that it has developed a COVID-19 air management solution at this time.
About Manganese X Energy Corp.
Manganese X’s mission is to advance its Battery Hill project into production, with the intent of supplying value-added materials to the lithium-ion battery and other alternative energy industries, The Company is also striving to achieve new carbon-friendly more efficient methodologies, while processing manganese at a lower competitive cost. The company is the only publicly traded manganese company in North America moving rapidly toward commercialization of a manganese deposit.
Subsidiary Disruptive Battery Corp.’s mission is to develop an HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) air purification delivery system for cleaner and healthier air, aiming to mitigate COVID-19 and other contaminants on surfaces and in the air.
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