Manganese X Energy 24,999,145-share private placement

Oct 3, 2020

2020-10-02 21:39 ET – Private Placement

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to a non-brokered private placement announced on July 31, 2020, and further amended on Aug. 6, 2020.

Number of shares:  24,999,145 shares

Purchase price:  eight cents per share

Warrants:  24,999,145 share purchase warrants to purchase 24,999,145 shares

Warrant initial exercise price:  15 cents

Warrant term to expiry:  three years

Number of placees:  81 placees

Insider:  Shimmy Posen, 150,000

Finders’ fees:  Gravitas Securities Inc., $4,800 cash and 60,000 warrants; Hampton Securities Ltd., $1,920 cash and 24,000 warrants; PI Financial Corp., $5,120 cash and 64,000 warrants; BMO Nesbitt Burns, $6,400 cash; Ensign Capital Inc., $1,920 cash and 24,000 warrants

Finder’s warrant initial exercise price:  15 cents

Finder’s warrant term to expiry:  Each warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share before Sept. 3, 2023.

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