Kesselrun drills 7.3 m of 30.3 g/t Au
2021-06-10 06:05 ET – News Release
Mr. Michael Thompson reports
Kesselrun Resources Ltd. has provided the following drilling results on its Huronian gold project.
Drilling on the McKellar Zone has intercepted significant gold mineralization approximately 200 metres along strike from the earlier Kesselrun drilling. Historic drilling by previous operators identified the main shear zone for over 1000 metres along strike to the southwest but failed to intersect the Huronian type high-grade structures on a consistent basis. Kesselrun’s new mineralization model suggests historic drilling was oriented sub-parallel to those high-grade structures
- 21HUR078 – 113.7 g/t Au over 1.9 m within a 7.3 m wide zone which averaged 30.3 g/t Au
- Confirmation of new mineralization model shows potential for over 1000 metres of strike extent to the southwest
Michael Thompson, P.Geo., President and CEO of the Company, commented, “Historic work along strike to the southwest for over 1000 metres, along with our new interpretation and drilling direction, gives us the confidence to continue our exploration efforts both down plunge and along strike and begin to show the full potential of this zone. It is exciting to see our hard work producing the kind of results we always knew this property had the potential for. We are confident we will continue see this kind of success in all Huronian property zones.”
The 2021 Huronian drill program is budgeted at 20,000 metres targeting the Fisher, Fisher North, McKellar and Huronian zones, all in close proximity along an approximate 1500 m strike length in the area of the historic Huronian Mine. The area also has tremendous potential for discovery of new wide zones of significant gold mineralization in light of the new revised mineralization model.
As of this news release approximately 8500 metres has been drilled of which the results from approximately 3650 metres of drilling have been released.
Summary of Significant Drill Intercepts - Current News Release (1) Hole ID Zone From (m)To (m)Interval (m)Au (g/t) 21HUR078McKellar 91.6 98.9 7.3 30.3 including 94.0 95.9 1.9 113.7 Summary of Significant Drill Intercepts - 2021 Huronian Project (1) Hole ID Zone From (m)To (m)Interval (m)Au (g/t) 21HUR030 Fisher 10.6 51.8 41.2 1.4 including 33.0 43.3 10.3 4.7 and including 33.0 34.0 1.0 14.8 21HUR031 Fisher 21.5 44.2 22.7 2.1 including 28.0 33.8 5.8 6.8 and including 30.0 31.0 1.0 30.4 21HUR032 Fisher 25.1 56.6 31.5 1.9 including 25.1 29.7 4.6 5.6 and including 25.4 28.7 3.3 6.2 including 46.2 50.1 3.9 4.5 and including 49.2 50.1 0.9 14.3 21HUR033 Fisher 22.6 30.2 7.6 1.4 21HUR034 Fisher 23.8 65.9 42.1 1.9 including 23.8 27.6 3.8 5.8 and including 23.8 24.6 0.8 16.7 including 52.6 56.5 3.9 7.0 and including 52.6 54.0 1.4 13.3 21HUR035 Fisher 25.0 66.9 41.9 0.7 including 27.9 29.9 2.0 4.4 21HUR036 Fisher 46.7 62.0 15.3 0.7 including 49.4 50.4 1.0 3.8 21HUR037 Fisher 114.0 117.5 3.5 15.6 including 117.0 117.5 0.5 99.0 21HUR038 Fisher 91.3 92.2 0.9 2.5 21HUR039 Fisher 2.3 23.3 21.0 0.9 including 7.2 8.9 1.7 5.4 21HUR040 Fisher 34.4 34.8 0.4 8.0 Huronian 262.8 263.4 0.6 stope Huronian 263.4 266.3 2.9 7.3 including 263.4 263.9 0.5 34.2 21HUR041lost hole - redrilled as 042 21HUR042 Fisher 14.5 17.8 3.3 5.3 including 16.9 17.8 0.9 17.0 21HUR043no significant values 21HUR044 Fisher 92.4 108.5 16.1 1.1 including 103.0 104.0 1.0 5.8 21HUR045 Fisher 90.4 91.0 0.6 5.9 21HUR046 Fisher 70.4 71.4 1.0 2.9 21HUR047no significant values 21HUR048lost hole - redrilled as 049 21HUR049no significant values 21HUR050lost hole - redrilled as 051 21HUR051hit stope/open workings 21HUR052hit stope/open workings 21HUR053results pending 21HUR054 Huronian 115.4 119.5 4.1 16.2 including 115.4 116.0 0.6 81.5 21HUR055no significant values 21HUR056 McKellar 17.7 85.5 67.8 1.6 including 18.0 19.8 1.8 5.2 including 43.9 85.5 41.6 2.2 and including 63.7 66.8 3.1 4.7 and including 72.7 78.0 5.3 3.3 and including 79.7 85.5 5.8 7.2 and including 79.7 83.3 3.6 9.0 21HUR057 McKellar 13.9 36.9 23.0 1.4 including 31.7 36.4 4.7 5.5 21HUR058 McKellar 82.7 83.0 0.3 5.4 83.0 stope/open workings 21HUR059 McKellar 87.0 105.6 18.6 1.1 including 90.0 91.0 1.0 7.7 including 93.6 94.6 1.0 6.3 21HUR060results pending 21HUR061results pending 21HUR062results pending 21HUR063results pending 21HUR064results pending 21HUR065results pending 21HUR066results pending 21HUR067 Fisher 2 125.9 132.5 6.6 10.4 including 130.6 132.2 1.6 40.8 including 131.9 132.2 0.3 204 21HUR068 Fisher 2 148.0 152.6 4.6 5.8 including 151.0 152.6 1.6 15.8 21HUR069 Fisher 2 142.7 149.4 6.7 6.4 including 142.7 144.0 1.3 26.4 including 142.7 143.0 0.3 113 21HUR070results pending 21HUR071results pending 21HUR072results pending 21HUR073results pending 21HUR074results pending 21HUR075results pending 21HUR076results pending 21HUR077results pending
(1) Widths are drill indicated core length as insufficient drilling has been undertaken to determine true widths at this time. Average grades are calculated with un-capped gold assays as insufficient drilling has been completed to determine capping levels for higher grade gold intercepts.
About the Huronian Gold Project
The 100% owned Huronian Gold Project hosts the past producing Huronian Mine, Northwestern Ontario’s first gold mine with an historic resource estimate of 44,592 oz Au at an average grade of 15.3 g/t Au in the indicated category and 501,377 oz Au at an average grade of 14.4 g/t Au in the inferred category. The resource estimate presented for the Huronian Project is historic in nature. Kesselrun Resources’ qualified person has not completed sufficient work to confirm the results of the historical resource. Kesselrun Resources is not treating this as a current mineral resource but is considering it relevant as a guide to future exploration and is included for reference purposes only. The historic resource was estimated by Minescape Exploration Inc. in 1998. Further drilling will be required by Kesselrun Resources to verify the historic estimate as current mineral resources.
As well, the Huronian Gold Project hosts the same lithological package of rocks, as interpreted from both Government of Ontario and Kesselrun Resources mapping, compilation and modelling, on strike from Wesdome Gold’s adjacent Moss Lake Gold Deposit with a resource estimate of 1,377,300 oz Au at an average grade of 1.1 g/t Au in the indicated category and 1,751,600 oz Au at an average grade of 1.1 g/t Au in the inferred category as outlined in their 2013 PEA2. Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on Kesselrun Resources’ property.
(2) Moss Lake Gold Mines (currently wholly owned subsidiary of Wesdome Gold) news releases February 20, 2013 and September 9, 2013.
On January 26, 2021 Wesdome announced that the Moss Lake Project would be purchased by Goldshore Resources Inc. (see Wesdome and Goldshore news releases dated January 26, 2021).
Qualified Person
Michael Thompson, P.Geo., President and CEO of Kesselrun, is the Qualified Person responsible for the project as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has approved the technical information in this news release.
Kesselrun has implemented a quality control program to comply with industry best practices for sampling, chain of custody and analyses. Certified gold reference standards, blanks and duplicates are inserted at the core processing site as part of the QA/QC program in addition to the control samples inserted by the lab. Samples are prepared and analyzed by Activation Laboratories in Thunder Bay. Samples are analyzed for gold using Fire Assay-AA techniques. Samples returning over 10 g/t gold are analyzed using Fire Assay-Gravimetric methods. Selected samples are also analyzed with a standard 1 kg metallic screen fire assay. All results reported herein have passed QA/QC protocols.
Health and Safety
The health and safety of our personnel and contractors is always top priority to Kesselrun. The current situation presents new challenges above and beyond what we normally face while working in the field. Kesselrun has implemented further measures to ensure the health and safety of all working on the Company’s projects.
About Kesselrun Resources Ltd.
Kesselrun Resources is a Thunder Bay, Ontario-based mineral exploration company focused on growth through property acquisitions and discoveries. Kesselrun’s management team possesses strong geological and exploration expertise in Northwest Ontario.
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