Interview with Lomiko CEO A. Paul Gill and BNN
Graphene is a newly discovered formation of carbon atoms that make the product 200 times stronger than steel, a super-conductor at room temperature, flexible and heat resistant. There are over 7000 patents filed relating to graphene and commercial production is around the corner.
Currently, the price of graphene ranges from $100 per gram to $1000 per gram making it too expensive to use in large scale production. Lomiko is working on defining a source of high carbon purity graphite from near surface mineralization in Quebec. With our partner, Graphene Labs, we plan to mine, refine and convert graphite to Graphene for less than $10 per gram making re-sale of our product very profitable.
Lomiko announced April 16, 2013 that tests are underway to prove up this cost-effective method. This situation is very similar to a company with a drug being tested by the FDA. Success could change everything and many investors are watching for news.
As you know, running a public company and completing commitments costs money.
Lomiko is currently raising money to complete testing and proving a method of extraction and conversion to graphene.
We are depending on shareholders and investors to see the value of investing in the Graphene future. So many regular investment tracks – bonds, hedge funds, mutual funds and even gold and silver are more risky now than ever.
Contact Lomiko Metals today for further information on LMR or on how to participate in a private placement.