Hi Ho hires Malouf, Budge for Norbeau project budget

Feb 20, 2019

2019-02-20 10:18 ET – News Release

Mr. William Jorgenson reports


Hi Ho Silver Resources Inc. has provided an update respecting its Norbeau gold project, which covers 1,637 hectares in the Chibougamau mining district in northwestern Quebec, Canada. Please see Hi Ho Silver Resources’ news release dated Oct. 31, 2018, describing the company’s acquisition of the Beaurox property and the Norbeau property, which collectively comprise what the company calls the Norbeau gold project.

The Company intends to fast-track the development of the Project, with the goal of commencing production in 2021. In pursuit of this goal, the Company has retained Mr. David Malouf of Longlac, Ontario, and Mr. Greg Budge of Victoria, British Columbia, for the purpose of authoring a preliminary budget for the Norbeau Gold Project. Both men are highly qualified and possess extensive knowledge and experience in mining operations in Canada and abroad. Their expertise includes start-up procedures, infrastructure, ore extraction and all aspects of environmental and First Nations negotiations. They will begin their due diligence on the Project immediately and will complete a site visit to the Project as soon as possible, with the aim of having the preliminary budget ready by mid-March 2019.

The Company will provide further updates respecting the Norbeau Gold Project as circumstances warrant.

About the Company

Hi Ho Silver Resources Inc. is a Vancouver based mineral exploration company dedicated to the exploration and development of precious and base metal mineral deposits and other mineral opportunities in North America and elsewhere.

We seek Safe Harbor.


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