The only thing uncertain about gold’s next rally is the timing.

Sep 10, 2021

September 8, 2021

The gold price has been all over the map over the past few weeks, while the underlying issues and drivers haven’t changed much at all.

It soared last Friday on a big miss in the August jobs number…and lost all of those gains yesterday when bond yields popped as investors suddenly thought the jobs miss would prompt the Fed to ignore inflation.

It’s a crazy world out there, without a single trader concerned with long-term fundamentals, while every one of them is obsessed about the slightest shift in the Fed’s thinking.

Gold’s disappointing record over the summer might make you think that the metal is stuck in a series of sharp declines followed by failed rebounds…in other words, lower lows and lower highs.

While I couldn’t fault you for that conclusion, I don’t think we’re mired in that kind of a long-term downtrend. In fact, I think the trigger for gold’s next rally is fast approaching.

As for my reasons for believing that gold is on the brink of turning around, I’ve expounded upon them in our just-released September issue of Gold Newsletter.

I urge you to read that issue (and will show you how in a moment), but in brief, traders are simply believing what the Fed has been saying about inflation being transitory.

The fact is, these traders are looking at the wrong inflation indicators at the moment, and the correct indicators are showing that real yields are now at levels comparable to the lowest levels of the 1970s.

Once the market realizes that inflation is going to be much stickier than the Fed is maintaining…and that we’re already in a 70’s-type situation…then they’re going to start rushing to gold.

The key, of course, is the timing. And I have something to say about that, too, in this month’s Gold Newsletter, including some key technical indicators that have just turned in gold’s favor.

Perhaps most interesting of all is a new mining stock recommendation that I reveal in this issue:

• A company that has a proven, million-ounce resource that promises to be one of the highest-grade mines in the world.

But they aren’t stopping there, as a deep drilling program in progress at this very moment could show the gold extends far deeper, like some of the largest mines in north America.

The drill results could come in at any time now, making this an extremely urgent recommendation.

Get All The Details Now…

You can get all the details on this new stock recommendation, as well as my in-depth analysis of the current markets, by subscribing to Gold Newsletter now.

To get a full year of Gold Newsletter…and get immediate access to our exciting September issue packed with valuable investment intelligence and details on dozens of exciting junior mining plays…simply click on the link below.

With my trigger for the next gold and silver rally approaching, these over-looked junior mining plays are primed for big gains.

I strongly urge you to act now to make sure you’re positioned.

All the best,
Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference