Giga Metals files updated Turnagain NI 43-101 estimate

Sep 19, 2019

2019-09-19 13:08 ET – News Release

Mr. Mark Jarvis reports


Giga Metals Corp. has updated its National Instrument 43-101 mineral resource estimate, based on an additional 36 infill drill holes totalling 8,940 metres drilled in 2018 in the areas of the conceptual open pit described in a preliminary economic assessment dated December, 2011, by AMC Consultants of Vancouver, B.C., and updated geological modelling supported by core logs, rock geochemistry, mapping, alteration modelling and other information.

“The updated mineral resource estimate for the Turnagain project represents an important milestone in the path towards advancing the engineering studies of this project,” commented Mark Jarvis, president and chief executive officer of Giga Metals. “The successful execution of a focused drilling campaign, combined with updated geological modelling, has resulted in a refined and enhanced mineral resource estimate that, within the first three phases of mining outlined in the 2011 PEA [preliminary economic assessment], has confidence levels sufficient to support a prefeasibility study and, ultimately, a feasibility study if that is justified.”

2019 updated mineral resources comparison with 2011 mineral resource

Since the 2011 mineral resource update, Giga Metals has performed infill drilling and also updated its geological modelling. As a result, the measured plus indicated resources have grown due to infill drilling, but the inferred resources have also grown because the volumes of the ultimate conceptual pit have grown. This comparison is provided for information purposes only. This comparison should not be interpreted as a statement of mineral reserves; mineral reserves can only be defined in a prefeasibility or feasibility study.

For the purpose of advancing engineering studies, the confidence level in enough of the resource has been increased to the measured plus indicated categories to support advancing studies to the prefeasibility and feasibility levels. While the company believes certain elements of the preliminary economic assessment dated December, 2011, authored by AMC Consulting, are consistent with the company’s current approach and continuing evaluation of the project, the preliminary economic assessment can no longer be considered current. The preliminary economic assessment included inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves and there is no certainty that the preliminary economic assessment will be realized.

2019 mineral resource classification methodology

The mineral resource estimates for Turnagain were prepared to industry standards and best practices using commercial mine modelling and geostatistical software. Garth Kirkham, PGeo, is the qualified person responsible for the Turnagain mineral resource estimates for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

Mineral resources are classified under the categories of measured, indicated and inferred, according to Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) guidelines. Mineral resource classification was based primarily on drill hole spacing and continuity of mineralization. Measured resources were defined at Turnagain as blocks with a distance to three drill holes of less than 40 metres (approximately) to nearest composite and an average of 60 m, and occurring within the estimation domains. Indicated resources were defined as those with a distance to three drill holes of less than 60 m (approximately) and an average distance of 80 m. Inferred resources were defined as those with an average drill hole spacing of less than 150 m (approximately) and meeting additional requirements. Final resource classification shells were manually constructed on sections.

Greg Ross, PGeo, a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101, is responsible for the implementation and supervision of the Turnagain project quality assurance/quality control program. Among other measures, prepared standards and blanks were inserted at the project site, and lab-reported results were reviewed to monitor the quality of the assay data.

Garth Kirkham, PGeo, and Greg Ross, PGeo, qualified persons as defined by NI 43-101, have reviewed and approved the contents of this news release.

About Giga Metals Corp.

Giga Metals is focused on metals critical to modern batteries, especially those used in electric vehicles and energy storage. The company’s core asset is the Turnagain project, located in Northern British Columbia, which contains one of the few significant undeveloped sulphide nickel and cobalt resources in the world.

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