Giga Metals drills 245.2 m of 0.273% Ni at Turnagain

Feb 26, 2019

2019-02-25 11:10 ET – News Release

Mr. Mark Jarvis reports


Giga Metals Corp. has released analytical results from the remaining two of 40 holes drilled in 2018 on the company’s Turnagain nickel/cobalt project. Results from the other 38 holes were released in a news release dated Jan. 30, 2019.

“We’re very pleased with these final drill results as both holes were mineralized over intervals spanning more than 200 metres ended in mineralization and further demonstrate the exceptional continuity of this massive deposit,” said Mark Jarvis, chief executive officer of Giga Metals. “These results along with previously released holes will now be integrated into our resource model and metallurgical testwork as we move the project towards the prefeasibility stage.”

Metallurgical infill drilling program

The metallurgical infill drilling program was conducted with two skid-mounted drill rigs in the Horsetrail and Northwest zones. Although this drill hole provides valuable additional geological and resource modelling information, its primary purpose was to collect material of appropriate characteristics for future metallurgical testing. Drill core samples from this hole were one-quarter NQ core.


Hole             Zone    From (m)         To (m)   Interval (m)    Ni (%)  Co (%)   Pd (ppb)   Pt (ppb)

DDH18-292          HT      3.821    249.02 (EOH)        245.20     0.273   0.017         39         43
            including      10.00         164.00          54.00     0.339   0.020         50         44
                  and     176.00         244.00          68.00     0.336   0.020         40         40

1HT: Horsetrail zone; EOH: end of hole. Metallurgical infill program holes were drilled into continuous 
or near-continuous disseminated mineralization.

Infill drilling program

The infill drilling program was conducted with two skid-mounted drill rigs in the Horsetrail and Northwest zones in areas of inferred resources. Drill core samples were one-half NQ core.


Hole            Zone    From (m)       To (m)  Interval (m) Ni (%)  Co (%)  Pd (ppb)  P (ppb)

DDH18-284         NW       9.14  215.49 (EOH)       206.35  0.205   0.012        14       21
           including     132.00  215.49 (EOH)        83.49  0.252   0.013        27       41   

2NW: Northwest zone; EOH: end of hole. Infill program holes were drilled into continuous or 
near-continuous disseminated mineralization.

Quality assurance, quality control

Diamond drilling in 2018 was conducted on the Turnagain property using NQ diameter drill rods. Drills were oriented using a Reflex TN-14 Gyrocompass drill and, after completion of the drill hole, were surveyed using a Reflex EZ-Gyro. Giga Metals systematically inserted certified reference materials (standards) and blanks into each batch of samples at regular intervals. Samples were placed in sealed bags and shipped directly to the ALS Minerals preparatory laboratory in Terrace, B.C. The 2018 samples reported herein were analyzed by either ALS Global of Vancouver, B.C., or by TSL Laboratories of Saskatoon, Sask. Samples prepared by ALS were by crushing the entire sample to 70 per cent passing two millimetres, riffle splitting of 250 grams and pulverizing the split to better than 85 pe cent passing 75 micrometres. Samples prepared by TSL were by crushing the entire sample to 70 per cent passing 1.70 millimetres, riffle splitting 250 grams and pulverizing the split to 95 per cent passing 106 micrometres. The core samples also underwent a robust duplicate assay program that tests rejects and pulps for reproducibility. Samples were also sent to an umpire lab. Base metal analyses were determined using four-acid digestion method with ICP-AES finish. Precious metal analyses were determined by fire assay method with ICP-AES or ICP-AAS finish. Analytical results are verified with the application of industry standard quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures.

Qualified person

Greg Ross, PGeo, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has read and approved all technical and scientific information contained in this news release. Mr. Ross is the company’s Turnagain project manager.

About Giga Metals’ Turnagain nickel-cobalt project

The Turnagain project hosts the Horsetrail nickel-cobalt deposit, a significant undeveloped nickel-cobalt sulphide deposit, located in British Columbia, Canada.

Engineering and metallurgical studies are under way with an objective of producing a prefeasibility study. Extensive metallurgical work indicates a clean concentrate grading 18 per cent nickel and 1 per cent cobalt is reliably achievable using simple “off-the-shelf” processing technology.

The Turnagain project covers a large, relatively underexplored land package prospective for additional ultramafic-hosted nickel-cobalt discoveries. Turnagain is one of the few projects in a stable jurisdiction that can potentially deliver large quantities of cobalt and nickel to meet the growing needs of the electric vehicle and energy storage markets at a time when many research analysts are projecting there will be shortages in the cobalt and nickel required by battery manufacturers.

We seek Safe Harbor.

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