Desert Mountain talks focus on Ariz. helium extraction

Aug 27, 2024

2024-08-26 15:42 ET – News Release


Mr. Robert Rohlfing reports


Desert Mountain Energy Corp. has provided an update on continuing collaboration with key stakeholders across Arizona, including members of Congress, relevant state agencies, trade associations and the private sector, to advance the responsible extraction of helium.

“While there is still work to be done, we are encouraged by the progress we’ve made and the meaningful conversations we are having. The importance of helium to Arizona’s key industries is becoming increasingly recognized and we are optimistic about the road ahead,” said Desert Mountain Energy chief executive officer Robert Rohlfing.

Desert Mountain is also actively engaging at the federal level, positioning helium as a vital resource for national defence, health care and a critical component of its supply chain. By working with its congressional delegation and various stakeholders who understand the significance of helium not just for Arizona, but for the nation. Desert Mountain is building the necessary support to seek the inclusion of helium to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) critical mineral list. Materials included on this list are afforded several benefits such as eligibility for additional clean energy tax credits, research grants and a streamlined permitting process.

Senator Janae Shamp, a dedicated supporter of the initiative, stated: “I am proud to support the efforts to streamline the helium extraction process for our operators. Arizona is open for business and we want operators to know that they are welcome here. We are focused on ensuring this can be done in a safe and sustainable way that will protect our aquifers while bolstering the supply chain that supports Arizona’s thriving semiconductor manufacturing, cutting-edge health care, and defence industries. By doing so, we further solidify Arizona’s position as a national leader in the advanced manufacturing sectors.”

Desert Mountain Energy remains committed to working closely with all stakeholders to achieve a balanced approach that benefits Arizona’s economy and environment.

About Desert Mountain Energy Corp.

Desert Mountain Energy is a publicly traded resource company primarily focused on the exploration, development and production of helium, hydrogen, natural gas and condensate.

We seek Safe Harbor.

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