Desert Mountain deepens well 3, sets production casing
2023-03-27 10:03 ET – News Release
Mr. Robert Rohlfing reports
Desert Mountain Energy Corp. has successfully re-entered well No. 3. After running cement bond log (CBL) to verify that all water courses were protected via multiple strings of casing, previously set and cemented in December, 2020, the company then deepened the well into the Precambrian granite. The casing was set and cemented, and a cased hole log was run to verify cement. Cementing procedures were done in accordance with company practices; this includes circulating cement to the surface on multiple strings to ensure protection and segregation between formations. Desert Mountain Energy understands the importance of protecting aquifers. The company chooses to exceed Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission regulations by setting more casing and cementing it to the surface. These additional measures add in excess of $200,000 per well on deeper wells. Completion rig availability to finish and test zones will determine when the well can be sampled.
“Mass spectrometer readings did show both hydrogen and helium in different zones without any mass-spec delineations of sulphur and no additional water zones were encountered under previously set and cemented casings,” said Robert Rohlfing, chief executive officer of Desert Mountain. “After sampling well No. 3 a decision will be made on whether it is compatible with the McCauley helium processing facility, and if so, transported there to increase the throughput once in operation.”
The recently completed financing will allow the company to grow the business as described in recently published interviews and the corporate presentation available on the website.
About Desert Mountain Energy Corp.
Desert Mountain Energy is a publicly traded resource company primarily focused on exploration, development and production of helium, hydrogen and noble gases. The company is primarily looking for elements deemed critical to the renewable energy and high-technology industries.
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