Canada Cobalt Works (CCW) featured in Small Cap Power report: ‘3 Canadian Cobalt Stocks Worth Watching in 2019’

Jan 2, 2019

The Canadian cobalt stocks we’ve dug up are poised to benefit from an increase in cobalt demand

SmallCapPower | December 31, 2018: RBC Capital Markets estimates that globally, Electric Vehicle (EV) sales are projected to increase 12-times by 2025 from 3M units sold in 2016, to 35M units sold in 2025. Major catalysts driving this 12-fold increase include concerns about climate change and government regulations aimed at phasing out internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to help reduce CO2emissions. Cobalt is the primary metal in an EV battery, and a typical EV battery has between 4-14 kg of cobalt (Source: Cobalt 27 Investor Deck). Thus, a 12-fold increase in EV sales could translate into a four-fold increase in cobalt demand. Today, we have identified three Canadian cobalt stocks that could potentially benefit from a rise in cobalt demand.

*Share prices as at close December 24, 2018

Canada Cobalt Works is drilling three prospective properties in Ontario for cobalt: the Castle Mine, Violet Mine, and Beaver Mine. Each property is located in northern Ontario’s Cobalt camp near the town of Cobalt, Ontario, Canada’s most prolific cobalt district. The Company has a proprietary hydrometallurgical process known as Re-2OX for the creation of technical grade cobalt sulphate as well as nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) formulations. Canada Cobalt Works is strategically positioned to become a vertically-integrated North American leader in cobalt from extraction to recovery.

  • Market Cap: $33.8 million
  • 1 Month Total Return: – 19%
  • YTD Total Return: +36.6%
  • Average Daily Volume – last 30 days: 226,445
  • Average Daily Volume – last 12 month: 336,967

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