Jan 21, 2022

This article was written over 3 years ago. Now that the covid narrative is settling down, it might be time to get back into this very frustrating, hair-pulling market, that has pervaded for close to 10 years. Gold is now close to the key inflection point of $1820 & Silver has been brutally strangled and capped at $25. Thankfully it is gaining a whole new audience of young, savvy investors. These Reddit Revolutionists can move markets big time and it seems as if they are ready to pounce. …It is now or never for us metal Silver & Gold junkies. We have suffered long enough and maybe it is our time to shine & make hay.

I have decided to go back and revisit one of my favorite Juniors. The comments in BLUE are the new revisions to this previous article. At the time in 2018 when is was written the stock was trading at 16 Cents (CAN) & is now 28 cents an almost 85% gain. I think after reading this you will see AZS might have its best days ahead. When Silver is finally unleashed of the strangle hold the banks have on it….this could be a tremendous opportunity for a 5 – 10 bagger or more, which can heal many a bank account, as they say… Time Heals All Wounds

The goal at Micks Picks is to introduce you to companies that I have carefully vetted and feel are worth taking a long look at. We swing for the fences and seek out not just homeruns but grand slams, just like my boyhood idol #7 Mickey Mantle. This month I have chosen Arizona Silver Exploration (AZS) is my newest sleeper. Here are my reasons!!!


10) Mining Friendly Location – State of Arizona is second only to Nevada as the easiest to do business. Government leaders encourage mining and the value it brings to an economy. Most jurisdictions oppose mining creating endless red-tape. Arizona’s neighbor to the West, California is a classic example. Permitting and EPA rules are amiable.

Nothing changed here Arizona is very mining friendly and recently many majors are setting up stakes here as much new Gold & Silver is being discovered. Arizona is becoming the new Nevada in terms of potential. AZS is situated close to the Oatman District which produced over 2.1 Million oz. of Gold before the war which shuttered US mines.

9) Ramsey Property –This sight was a historical silver mine in the 40’s It was closed due to the war and was shuttled. It is100% owned, with no royalties and is being revived. It has 41 existing underground holes to work with and help to figure out where this mineralization is. Located near major interstate only 2 hours from Phoenix on Interstate 10. Access to power and water and no harsh winters to deal with. Huge potential for much larger deposit as more is known of its mass and structure. I visited sight in early May and was privileged to get a 3-hour tour. I can tell you it is real and quite spectacular.

Much has changed in this aspect… as the focus in last few years has been pointed towards 100% Philadelphia Property which is about 120 miles northwest of Ramsey outside Bullhead City. It has excellent power & water along with being very close to main highway. In the past year many majors are lining up to pick up additional claims based on what AZS has been uncovering. I have been on-site for drilling and got a very thorough property tour and to see where the juicy future drill targets lie.

8) Impressive Board of Directors – A very solid experienced board with extensive mining experience and direct ties to the international financial community. Most Juniors have hard time raising money. AZS was able to raise $875,000 in 3 days. Their connections run broad and deep. This team has mining know how and what it takes to bring a project to actual production.

A major new addition to the board has been Yale Simpson, a legend in the mining industry who coming aboard speaks volumes as to the future prospects ..which are right on the horizon. He has opened several doors to some key players w deep pockets and open doors. He is an asset !!!

7) Bonanza Drill Results –Ramsey Property just being understood and many additional targets on horizon. Intercepts up to 46 meter/ 304 grams per ton. Historical production very impressive 1370 grams per ton. Potential for lead and zinc credits. The initial drilling was to get an idea of the fault zones – the next round will be more targeted to juicy intercepts.

The following drill recent results are from the new Philadelphia Property

* 33.56 gpt Au, 54.7 gpt Ag over 2.35 meters

* 9.26 gpt Au, 79.8 gpt Ag over 10.6 meters

* 23.47 gpt Au, 97.2 gpt Ag over 2.3 meters

* Drilling discovers wide low-grade mineralization in multiple holes

* 1.34 gpt Au. 5.78 gpt Ag over 115 meters

*1.57 gpt Au, 7.64 gpt Ag over 103.7 meters

As Eric Sprott has suggested, if the width x length is over 100…that these are considered superb drill results. As you can see the potential here is huge as they keep increasing upon each new drill target in each and every drill campaign.

6) Great Sedi Page – Greener than a shamrock!!! All insiders BUYING, not a share sold even during the impressive price run-up. Very rare to see a company with so much insider purchasing. Insider purchasing means one thing… Confidence in the future of the company. Management skin in the game assures commitment and confidence.

Updated shows management has never sold a single share and continues and continues to stockpile. Nothing and I mean nothing bodes so well.

5) Management knows the importance of Promotion – Company sponsors a booth at important trade shows. More importantly the AZS management attends shows and also pounds the floor which requires more work but obtains better results. This is much more effective and better use of valued promotion dollars. Several newsletter writers follow the company, Gwen Preston (Resource Maven) & John Kaiser (Bottom Fish Report). A Twitter page and bullboard blitz forthcoming. Having Social Media presence and the importance of knowing how to effectively use it. This is the most powerful promotional tool will help get the word out on this undervalued opportunity for investors to the masses.

There will be a steady release of news as drill results & updates roll in which assures eye balls on this emerging Jr.

3)Very Tight Share Structure– Only 28.9M shares outstanding/ very tight float. Of the shares ,46% in management or very secure hands. Witness the last run up stock went from 40 cents to $1.22 within a week based solely on an analysts unfounded speculation on the potential of this property & setting a valuation of north of $18 a share. While his speculation was very premature, past drilling results suggest this stock is indeed extremely under-valued. AZS has no warrants or cheap paper to deal with and that fact shows the commitment to the average retail shareholder which is very rare.

Insiders and friendly hands now own a very impressive 78 % of outstanding shares… which is huge endorsement by management of their confidence in the project. The share structure is still tight with only 62 Million shares outstanding. With all the growth and hundreds of new drill targets the company has managed to keep a very tight float.

2) Newest Property- Greg Hahn and his team at AZS just purchased the Sycamore Canyon Gold/Silver project in Graham County, Arizona, 20 miles from the town of Wilcox. It is situated on the South Eastern side of Arizona. This property has been on Greg’s radar for a while and will be explored for the first time with modern drilling techniques. It has been chip sampled with impressive potential of 31 gpt Gold & 460 gpt Silver. It has never been drilled and Greg is confident that the mineralization & structure is similar to Nevada’s Comstock load district which sparked the first Silver rush to Nevada in the 1850’s. During the period of 1860-1880, this ground amazingly yielded $321 Million Gold & $482 Billion in Silver in today’s dollars. Staggering numbers but there is a reason why they used to say “Go West Young Man.”

As you can see management has been aggressive …buying properties there are now 4 properties in their arsenal. The Philadelphia Property leading the charge. Most of the AZS management current focus is on the Philadelphia as it has been so much of an over achiever and continues to grow and warrant more attention & drilling.

1)Number ONE Reason

Management, Management, Management- CEO Greg Hann’s resume speaks volumes … Ivy League educated & over 35 years of field experience. He has taken several companies from development to production all over the globe, among them Noranda & Anaconda. Greg has experience in mining various metals (Gold, Silver, Copper, Cobalt, Uranium). Greg Hahn is a consulting geologist for several large companies which indicates he is a problem solver and go to resource.

Mike Stark, is the Chairman & President CEO and actually appreciates and values his shareholders. He is very approachable and returns phone calls. 604-833-4278. That is his personal cell phone number and to me speaks volumes to his transparency. They know this story will take time to play out and will require Patience. Shareholders will be well rewarded over time. Mike Stark puts his money where his mouth is, as he continues to buy in the open market at these bargain basement prices. Greg Hahn has 1.4 (now 2.4) million shares and Mike is close behind with 1 Million shares ( over 2.8 Million and David Vincent 960,000 shares (now 1.2 Million ) .Please note how much management has increased ownership in 3 years. Most Jr. CEO’s are unloading cheap paper & lining their pockets while AZS management is showing supreme confidence !!!

Mick’s Picks was created to introduce high-quality projects manned by skilled management to investors looking for hidden and under-valued companies. In my opinion Arizona Silver Exploration (AZS) fits the bill. Solid progressive management who values shareholders as family and appreciates their support. Most importantly they stand by their beliefs in the projects by putting their own greenbacks into the company. Nothing and I mean nothing is as bullish as that for a stock. This company is just shy of 2 years old (now 5 years old)

The Gold sector overall is in a funk most companies are down or near their 52-week lows. All one can do is wait for Gold to catch a bid and a tail wind and this sector can turn on a dime. Fortunes are made by being patient and buying quality companies when they are on sale. With AZS very tight share structure, history shows how fast it can take off when buyers rush into a stock where insiders are holding for long term vision and returns. As the greatest stock investor of all time Jesse Livermore touted – “Buy Right & Sit Tight”.

Arizona Silver Exploration- AZS/AZASF

Share Price 16 cents / 32 cents

52 week low 10 cents / 16.5 cents

52 week high $1.23 / .345 cents

Market Cap $4.65 Million / $20.3 Million

Shares Outstanding 28.9 Million / 62 Million

Cash on Hand $ 1.4 M

Mick’s Picks (Blue Sky Marketing) is owned by Kevin Dougan. I am a long-time investor in this sector and take pride in finding and sharing the best Junior Miners with fellow investors interested in this sector. I attend all major trade shows on my own dime as well as sight visits fully funded by myself. While I attempt to find only the best undervalued under-promoted companies, it can be risky but these investments do pay off handsomely when the sector gets hot. I am NOT, nor portend to be an investment advisor. So, take responsibility and do your own research in picking your investments. My website is partly funded with companies who advertise on my website. AZS is an advertiser.

AZS was an advertiser , I am not accepting any new clients at this time. Twitter: KDblueskymarketing

In the past I tried to spread my wealth around to several companies and sectors. No Mas …. Damn the Torpedoes … I am going all in a on single company, learn it inside and out, do frequent site visits, hound management and stay informed. Arizona Silver Exploration is my choice. I will live and die by AZS and come hell or high water make myself a fortune again. Once Silver finds its true worth & value, investing a small Jr like AZS can be epic and life changing !!!

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