Arizona Silver Exploration – Today’s top companies stock performance chart out of 1,642 companies
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This is when the CEO stands up in front of the team and says, “Congratulations!” I am very proud that we are # 7 out of 1,642 companies, especially considering I feel as though we have just begun. Great work everyone. With additional results I believe we will continue to climb this ladder. I am very proud of our accomplishments to date, as a team. Thank you everyone, for your commitment and patience in building AZS. We have definitely been noticed and have acquired some new shareholders as a result of this exposure. Keep up the great work!
Pos Ticker #People Gain
1 $BCU 4 288%
2 $NPK 9 210%
3 $RZE 4 188%
4 $GQC 15 162%
5 $GOCO 2 159%
6 $KRN 2 155%
7 $AZS 1 144%
8 $HELI 6 134%
9 $WCE 4 125%
10 $HOU 1 122%
11 $WRX 1 114%
12 $NPR 3 97%
13 $CC 4 96%
14 $SNS 2 90%
15 $ALCU 1 90%
Mike Stark, CEO, President
Arizona Silver Exploration Inc.
C 604.833.4278
Suite 970 – 777 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6Z-1S4