Appia drills 3.15 m of 0.032 wt % U3O8 at Loranger

Jun 19, 2019

2019-06-18 09:53 ET – News Release

Mr. Tom Drivas reports


Appia Energy Corp. has released the assay results from the completed diamond drill program on the Loranger property. The property is located 28 kilometres southeast of Cameco’s Rabbit Lake mill in the Athabasca basin in Northern Saskatchewan.

Highlights of the winter drilling include 3.15 metres of 0.032 weight per cent U3O8 (triuranium octoxide) at 96.75-metre drill hole depth in hole LOR-19-03 and 0.7 metre grading 0.066 weight per cent U3O8 at 105.5-metre drill hole depth in hole LOR-19-02. U3O8 assay results for the drill holes are presented the attached table. A total of 1,063 metres were completed in eight drill holes covering three target areas.

James Sykes, Appia’s vice-president, exploration and development, commented: “We are pleased with the drill results. First, we’ve confirmed uranium mineralization in two target areas and especially the drill holes within target area 2 (LOR-19-01 to LOR-19-04A), a 900-metre-long area, all intersected uranium mineralization. Second, we observed uranium depletion associated with a massive hydrothermal fluid fault network system encountered in target area 1 (LOR-19-07A and LOR-19-08), indicating uranium has been mobilized and potentially redeposited somewhere along the structural trends. Third, the uranium mineralization drill hole assay results mostly correlate with hydrothermal alteration styles and remobilized ductile/brittle structural zones encountered in both target areas. In particular, we observe redox fronts (hematite plus or minus limonite with bleaching) showing elemental ratios (Up/Ut, Tht/Ut, Pb206/Pb204) typical of uranium fluid pathways. Fourth, boron (a uranium pathfinder element) is commonly elevated (i.e. [over] 100 [parts per million] and at least more than twice the background) in the remobilized graphitic/carbonaceous material ductile/brittle structural zones, with drill hole LOR-19-08 exhibiting the highest concentrations of boron (121 to 263 ppm B).”

Together with the 2017 program, the company has tested only five of the 22 previously identified gravity low targets and covered only 2.3 kilometres of the 94.0 total kilometres of conductive strike length, with a cumulative total of 15 drill holes and 2,524 total metres drilled. The company plans to continue exploring the property with diamond drilling, ground gravity geophysics and ground radiometric prospecting in combination with geological mapping.

Split core samples were taken over 0.1-metre to 1.2-metre core lengths covering scintillometer readings, hydrothermal alteration and ductile/brittle structures. All the drill core samples were shipped from the project site and hand delivered to the Saskatchewan Research Council’s (SRC) geoanalytical laboratory in Saskatoon, Sask.

Geochemical assay results were provided by SRC’s geoanalytical laboratory, an ISO/IEC 17025:2005-certified (CAN-P-4E) laboratory in Saskatoon, Sask., for multielement analysis using the ICPMS and boron lab packages. All reported values were provided from SRC as uranium (parts per million) and were converted to U3O8 (weight per cent) by Appia using a conversion factor of 1.1792 divided by 10,000.

All geochemical results reported herein have passed rigorous internal quality assurance/quality control review and compilation. The technical content in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dr. Irvine R. Annesley, PGeo, adviser to the board of directors of Appia and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

About Appia Energy Corp.

Appia is a Canadian publicly traded company in the uranium and rare earth element sectors. The company is currently focusing on delineating high-grade critical rare earth elements (REE) and uranium on the Alces Lake property as well as prospecting for high-grade uranium in the prolific Athabasca basin on its Loranger, North Wollaston and Eastside properties. The company holds the surface rights to exploration for 61,364 hectares (151,633 acres) in Saskatchewan.

DDH            Target area          From          To     Interval      Vertical          U3O8 
                                      (m)         (m)          (m)     depth (m)        (wt %)

LOR-19-01                2         55.15       55.30         0.15         48.16         0.011
                                   59.50       59.75         0.25         51.84         0.012
                                   Composite total           0.40                       0.012
LOR-19-02                2         87.90       88.55         0.65         77.15         0.037
                                  105.50      106.20         0.70         92.58         0.066
                                  115.50      115.85         0.35        101.54         0.023
                                   Composite total           1.70                       0.046
LOR-19-03                2         82.45       82.65         0.20         71.58         0.014
                                   96.75       99.90         3.15         84.30         0.032
                                  102.95      104.05         1.10         89.30         0.040
                                  108.60      109.05         0.45         94.30         0.085
                                   Composite total           4.90                       0.038
LOR-19-04                2         Hole abandoned in overburden, restarted as LOR-19-04A
LOR-19-04A               2         63.20       63.40         0.20         54.48         0.017
                                   72.70       73.00         0.30         62.55         0.010
                                   78.95       79.05         0.10         67.87         0.012
                                   80.20       80.30         0.10         68.97         0.028
                                   83.45       83.80         0.35         71.45         0.012
                                   85.45       85.55         0.10         73.37         0.017
                                   Composite total           1.15                       0.014
LOR-19-05                3         Hole abandoned in overburden,not restarted
LOR-19-06                3         No significant results
LOR-19-07                1         Hole abandoned in overburden, restarted as LOR-19-07
LOR-19-07A               1         No significant results
LOR-19-08                1        133.25      133.50         0.25         91.99         0.011
                                  148.85      150.00         1.15        103.04         0.020
                                   Composite total           1.40                       0.018
Cut-off grade is 0.01 per cent U3O8.
Maximum consecutive internal dilution is 2.0 metres downhole.
True widths have yet to be determined. 
All uranium (ppm) results received by SRC from the ICP-MS total digestion lab package 
were converted to U3O8 (weight per cent) using a conversion factor of 
1.1792 divided by 10,000.

We seek Safe Harbor.

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