A.I.S. starts soil sampling at Fosterville Toolleen

Oct 5, 2021

2021-10-05 06:20 ET – News Release


Mr. Phillip Thomas reports


A.I.S. Resources Ltd. has commenced a soil sampling program at its Fosterville Toolleen project, located 12 kilometres from the Kirkland Lake Fosterville mine as a precursor to its next drilling program. The sampling is taking place adjacent to the area where the high antimony and arsenic pathfinders were detected in drill hole 31.

The location is close to the Toolleen-Angle Road that dissects the project. The survey lines extend up to 1.4 km in the northeast area of the exploration licence. The soil sampling will be done at 20-metre intervals with 50 m separation between the lines. The company’s latest model Olympus XRFp (portable X-ray fluorescence) gun will analyze samples collected on a daily basis. Samples will be sent to the laboratory for pathfinder element analysis.

Gravity survey reprocessing and interpretation

The gravity survey completed recently by Fender Geophysics is being reprocessed and interpreted by Nordic Geoscience, with chief geophysicist Asbjorn N. Christensen completing the work. The reprocessed gravity survey in conjunction with the results of the soil survey will be used to determine additional high-priority drill targets.

Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Phillip Thomas, BSc, Geol FAusIMM, MAIG, MAIMVA (CMV), who is a qualified person under the definitions established by the National Instrument 43-101.

About A.I.S. Resources Ltd.

A.I.S. Resources is a publicly traded investment issuer listed on the TSX Venture Exchange focused on precious and base metals exploration. A.I.S.’s value-add strategy is to acquire prospective exploration projects and enhance their value by better defining the mineral resource with a view to attracting joint venture partners and enhancing the value of the company’s portfolio. The company is managed by a team of experienced geologists and investment bankers, with a record of successful capital markets achievements.

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