A.I.S. options gold mine in Peru
2019-10-24 09:36 ET – News Release
Mr. Phillip Thomas reports
A.I.S. Resources Ltd. has reached agreement on an option to acquire an initial 51-per-cent interest in a gold mine in Northern Peru producing up to five kilograms of gold per week (165 troy ounces) with average revenues of $75,000 (U.S.) per month. AIS will earn a 51% interest by contributing US$500,000 in equipment and technical expertise to increase the mine’s productivity.
The properties are located in the San lgnacio district, Cajamarca province. There are no indigenous communities nearby, and local labour has been used to mine the three horizontal shafts and trenches. The veins are vertically orientated.
- AIS has been granted a 90 day due diligence period.
- Two grab samples have recorded 27gm/tonne and 466gm/tonne of gold from concession Jaw4 which we will target for a new shaft. While these samples are encouraging, and gold production is in progress, we need to determine the extent and concentration of gold in veins and associated rock.
- Our due diligence will focus on the extent of the veins, drilling the property to define the extent of the gold mineralization, geochemical soil sampling, mapping, and design of a process circuit.
- Within six months of the conclusion of the 90 day due diligence period AIS will contribute US$500,000 in equipment and technical expertise.
- AIS will upgrade the ball mill and acquire a Taylor shaker table and floatation system for capturing the gold.
- The Peruvian Company has eight concessions over 5,888 ha, in northern Peru.
- AIS intends to stake more ground in this area with a view to expanding production in future years.
- Our CEO, Phil Thomas, has been active in a number of gold projects in Nazca to the south of Peru, Arizona, and Victoria Australia.
“This is an exciting development for the Company to supplement its manganese operations, and its lithium brine extraction technology,” Phillip Thomas, CEO, stated. “While AIS’s focus is on expanding our lump manganese acquisitions at grades of 44% Mn and higher we have decided that this gold opportunity will benefit us greatly, by diversification, and short term cashflow.”
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