A.I.S. completes 10.3 line km of Fosterville geophysics

Dec 17, 2020

2020-12-17 10:18 ET – News Release


Mr. Phillip Thomas reports


Derek Reeves, senior geophysicist, and his team, Worldwide Geological Services, completed 10.3 line kilometres of deep ground penetrating radar (DGPR) to define the alluvial channels and geological structures on A.I.S. Resources Ltd.’s EL006001. Permission to conduct the geophysics has kindly been provided by the vendor, Providence Gold and Minerals Pty Ltd, while waiting for the contract to complete.

DGPR (or non-dispersive EM wave propagation in the ground) is a geophysical technique offering images with excellent resolution in the sediments; up to 150m of the surface in ideal conditions and, routinely, 100m. On the EL, quartz reefs are known in the vicinity in addition to multiple older leads and they could both be the source of the nuggets at Toolleen. AIS constrained the scope of the radar to 50m to obtain finer resolution of the gold bearing structures. Initial results will be available within the next few days. The interpretation will include analysis of the petrophysical logs from previous drilling work.

The IP geophysics for Yalgogrin, NSW has been booked for early January 2021. The area for the gradient array has been set out at EL5891 and ELA006030. The focus on ELA006030 is near the Asia-Wyalong mine shaft. The licence area has been unaffected by the recent heavy rains in northern NSW.

About A.I.S. Resources Limited

A.I.S. Resources Limited is a publicly traded investment issuer listed on the TSX Venture Exchange focused on precious and base metals exploration. AIS’s value add strategy is to acquire prospective exploration projects and enhance their value by better defining the mineral resource with a view to attracting joint venture partners and enhancing the value of its portfolio. The Company is managed by a team of experienced geologists, with a track-record of successful capital markets achievements. In November 2020, AIS received TSX-V approval to acquire the New South Wales Yalgogrin Gold Project JV, the Fosterville-Toolleen Gold Project and the Kingston Gold Project in Victoria Australia.

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