Noble Mineral applies to extend warrants to 2022

Nov 13, 2020

2020-11-13 09:34 ET – News Release


Mr. Vance White reports


Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. is applying to extend the term of certain issued and outstanding warrants that are otherwise scheduled to expire on Nov. 30, 2020. The company will be applying to the TSX Venture Exchange to extend the term of issued and outstanding warrants exercisable for a total of 5,484,091 common shares that were issued as part of a private placement that closed on Nov. 30, 2017. None of the warrants issued in that private placement have been exercised. The proposed new expiry date for the warrants would be Nov. 30, 2022.

About Noble Mineral Exploration Inc.:

Noble Mineral is a Canadian-based junior exploration company, which, in addition to its shareholdings in Canada Nickel Company Inc., Spruce Ridge Resources Ltd. and MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd., and its interest in the Holdsworth gold exploration property in the area of Wawa, Ont., holds approximately 72,000 hectares of mineral rights in the Timmins-Cochrane areas of Northern Ontario known as Project 81. Project 81 hosts diversified drill-ready gold, nickel-cobalt and base metal exploration targets at various stages of exploration.

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