Northern Lights plans drill program at Secret Pass

Oct 26, 2020

2020-10-26 07:28 ET – News Release


Mr. Jason Bahnsen reports


Northern Lights Resources Corp. has provided an update to exploration work at the company’s 100-per-cent-owned Secret Pass gold project located in Mohave county, northwestern Arizona.

Exploration work completed by Northern Lights during 2020 has identified significant potential for high-grade gold mineralization at the Tin Cup and FM zones plus the newly identified Fiery Squid zone as well as 20 follow-up exploration targets previously disclosed in the company’s news release of Sept. 9, 2020.

During 2020, Northern Lights has completed significant geological fieldwork on Secret Pass including:


  • Airborne drone photogrammetry mapping survey (completed May/September, 2020);
  • Airborne drone magnetic survey and interpretation (completed September, 2020);
  • Geological mapping and stream sediment and panned concentrate sampling (September/October, 2020);
  • Reinterpretation of historical IP (induced polarization) survey data (results pending);
  • A detailed review of historical geological work and GIS (geographic information system) digitization and orientation of historic data.


Preliminary geological model — Tin Cup and FM zones

Work completed by Northern Lights indicates that historic drilling has only tested the upper part of the potential epithermal gold zone at the Tin Cup and FM prospects.

Historic reverse circulation exploration drilling completed at Tin Cup intersected high-grade gold mineralization from near surface to a maximum depth of approximately 180 metres. The average depth of the 145 historic holes completed on the Secret Pass property was 95 metres.

Assay results from the historic drilling at Tin Cup ranged up to 40 grams per tonne gold. Several notable intersections are shown in the associated table.



                                   Total hole    Intersection        Drill
Drill hole         Year   Type          depth      hole depth        width  Avg grade
No.             drilled                   (m)             (m)          (m)   (g/t Au)

TC-01              1984     RC             52       22.9-30.5          7.6        7.6
TC-10              1985     RC            176      89.9-121.9         32.0       13.6
                                                    including          1.5       40.4
                                                                      12.2       20.8
TC-15              1985     RC            146     111.2-115.8          4.6       13.1
TC-30              1986     RC            150       88.4-97.5          9.1       17.7

These results are historical in nature and a qualified person has not done 
sufficient work to verify these previous drilling results.


The mineralized zone at Tin Cup has a strike length of approximately 245 metres and a drill-indicated depth of up to 180 metres, both open along strike and depth. High-grade mineralization greater than three g/t Au, is localized in 3.0-to-7.6-metre-wide, steep westerly dipping structures that occur within a much wider mineralized fault zone that ranges from 30 to 45 metres in width. The mineralization has a northwest plunge and is open at depth.

Analysis completed by Northern Lights indicates that there is potential to discover high-grade gold mineralization below the limit of the historic drilling at Tin Cup. With reference to the deepest level of production (650 m RL) at the Gold Road mine (operated by Aura Minerals Inc., located 11 km due south of Secret Pass) and the limited depth of the historic drilling at Tin Cup (900 m RL), there is potential for high-grade gold mineralization for an additional 250 metres below the depth of historic drilling.

Historical USGS (United States Geological Survey) geological studies of gold-silver deposits in the Oatman gold district establishes that the epithermal gold-silver mineralization was deposited over a temperature range of 150 C to 280 C and occur between the elevations of 1,900 and 3,050 feet (575 and 915 metres). The highest gold and silver grades were observed at the Gold Road and Tom Reed mines, hosted by colloform banded chalcedony-adularia-calcite-pyrite veins with a low Au:Ag ratio and a weak As-Sb-F (arsenic-antimony-fluorine) geochemical signature. Based on the Oatman epithermal model, it is postulated that the Tin Cup and FM gold mineralization is situated in the middle to upper portions of the epithermal gold system. This assertion is further supported by the presence of adularia, fluorite and fluid inclusion temperatures ranging from 190 C to 240 C from a majority of the Tin Cup veins.

Secret Pass phase 1 drill program

Northern Lights has planned an initial eight-hole, 1,600-metre, diamond core drill program at Secret Pass to commence immediately upon the company receiving the required exploration and drill permits that are currently in process.

This initial phase 1 drill program will focus on confirming the presence of high-grade gold mineralization identified by historic drilling and providing structural information as well as to test for the potential of continued mineralization at depth at Tin Cup.

Also, the phase 1 program will include two holes at the newly identified Fiery Squid zone located approximately two km to the north of the Tin Cup zone. A historic grab sample from the dumps adjacent to the shaft at Fiery Squid yielded six g/t Au. The Fiery Squid zone is an intense sericite-altered, quartz-veined set of contacts developed between a swarm of rhyolite intrusions and host andesite situated in the middle of a 1,000-by-500-metre zone of iron oxide alteration.

All drilling will be diamond core drilling, size HQ.

Northern Lights has appointed Altar Drilling Inc., based in Tucson, Ariz., to commence diamond core drilling at Secret Pass once the permitting process has been completed.

The scientific and technical data contained in this news release were reviewed and approved by Gary Artmont (fellow member AUSIMM No. 312718), head of geology and qualified person to Northern Lights Resources, who is responsible for ensuring that the geologic information provided in this news release is accurate and who acts as a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Northern Lights Resources Corp.

Northern Lights Resources is a growth-oriented exploration and development company that is advancing two projects: the 100-per-cent-owned Secret Pass gold project located in Arizona; and the Medicine Springs silver-zinc-lead project located in Elko county, Nevada, where Northern Lights is earning 100 per cent.

We seek Safe Harbor.

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