Arizona Silver focus on keeping workers safe while operations continue at Philadelphia
Our fall drill program on the Philadelphia property in Arizona delivered some fantastic results − 15.8 gpt Au and 90 gpt Ag over 3.1 metres, 41.6 gpt Au and 94.4 gpt Ag over 0.76 metres, and 23.47 gpt Au and 97.2 gpt Ag over 2.3 metres. We are now anxiously awaiting the results of an 8-hole drill program that we completed in February. We can also expect more drill results in the coming month as we are nearing completion on the next phase, a 12 drill hole program.
Our treasury is in great shape, so based on the results we will be able to push forward in further developing this high-grade system, and take advantage of the great gold market we are currently experiencing. You can find more information on the project at www.arizonasilverexploration.
Mike Stark, CEO, President
Arizona Silver Exploration Inc.
C 604.833.4278
Suite 907- 777 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC
Canada, V6Z-1S4