Video of Granada CEO Frank Basa: Next Steps to Unlock the High-Grade Potential at the Granada Gold Deposit

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 18, 2019
Next Steps to Unlock the High-Grade Potential at the Granada Gold Deposit

Granada Gold Mine Inc. (TSXV GGM; OTC GBBFF; Frankfurt B6D) is pleased to forward to you a video of CEO Frank Basa outlining how the company is working to expand high-grade resources and further develop its Granada gold deposit along the prolific Cadillac Break in Quebec where more than 75 million oz gold have already been produced.

The video was recorded during Mr. Basa’s presentation to investors at the Annual European Family Office Conference in London, UK on October 22, 2019.

Recent activity at Granada includes:

* High-grade drill results near the surface from fan drilling (a recent change in drill patterns). Latest result — 7.67 g/t Au over 15 meters — with more results pending.
* Currently looking at potentially developing the deposit into a 4 – 5 g/t Au open pit with mining then moving underground where past mining averaged 8-10 g/t Au.
* Successful drilling at underground targets such as the Genesis Target (8.39 g/t Au over 6 meters including 12.41 g/t Au over 4 meters).
* Exploration in other areas along strike indicates a significant potential to find more high-grade gold on the property since 80% remains unexplored.
* Pre-concentration testing for the conversion of low-grade material below 1 g/t Au into much higher grades (5 – 10 g/t Au best to maximize recovery) for shipping to local mills or eventually an on-site mill (current permits allow shipping 550 t/d to local mills with discussions continuing to secure a milling contract).

Link to the video:

Link to GGM’s corporate presentation:





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