Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. (CSE: GCC) intersects 0.99 g/t gold and 9.8 g/t Ag over 237 m (777 ft) including 1.45 g/t gold over 137 m (450 ft) within a broader zone of 0.71 g/t gold over 342 m (1122 ft), extending Halo zone

Feb 25, 2025

Vancouver, Canada – Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. (the “Company”) (CSE:GCC) (OTC:GCCFF) (WKN:A402CQ) (FSE:3TZ) wishes to announce a significant extension to the Halo zone on its Quesnelle Gold Quartz Mine Property (the “Property”). Drill hole QGQ24-20 intersected 0.71 g/t gold with 6.96 g/t silver over 341.96 m (1121.9 ft) from 20.12 m (66.0 ft), including 0 .99 g/t gold with 9.8 g/t silver over 236.88 m (777.2 ft) and 1.45 g/t gold with 16.05 g/t silver over 137.17 m (450.0 ft) . This includes better grade intercepts returning 7.36 g/t gold with 164.95 g/t silver over 11.95 m (39.2 ft) and 16.35 g/t gold with 9.09 g/t silver over 4.29 m (14.1 ft). See Table 1 on the following page. Core recovery for these latter intervals was only 43% and 46% respectively, which could result in overall lower values due to the loss of mineralized soft sulphide bearing, brecciated, fractured and/or altered material.

These intersections extend the Halo zone horizontally by 100 m (328.1 ft) to the northwest from the previously released drill hole QGQ24-19, with QGQ24-20 being the northwestern-most drill hole completed to date on the Property. The Halo zone now comprises an irregular, up to approximately 320m

by 290m by 320m body. Mineralization remains open to the northwest and at depth, including 718 m of untested strike north-northwest towards the Pioneer past producer. See Figures 1 to 5 enclosed and on the Company website .

Drill hole QGQ24-20, set up at an azimuth of 354 ° and inclination of -45°, was the final drill hole completed during the 2024 drill program, with an objective to establish northwest continuity of the Halo zone and to test for stronger grades encountered previously in the western portion of the zone, most notably in QGQ24-13 which returned 136.51 m of 1.77 g/t gold. Drill hole QGQ24-20 was successful in encountering stronger grades which are found to be associated with a major fault along a greenstone contact, between the mafic to intermediate volcanic host rocks to gold mineralization (greenstones) and a black argillite unit. The historical Quesnelle Quartz Mine on the Property is similarly situated along the greenstone contact (Figure 3 enclosed), and marks a significant development to encounter the greenstone contact for the first time in the Halo zone in QGQ24-20. The Halo zone and the Quesnelle Quartz Mine are both situated within a multi-kilometer trend that extends across the Property. Subsequent drill holes will continue testing the northwest continuity of the Halo zone along the greenstone contact (Figures 1 and 3 enclosed).

Golden Cariboo’s President and CEO, Frank Callaghan, stated “Drill hole QGQ24-20 capped off a remarkable year, stepping out 100m and delivering another exceptional intercept that affirms the Halo zone as a major discovery in the Cariboo Gold District. Greenstone contacts host many of the world’s premier gold camps, and we have now identified one only 4 kilometres from a major highway and community in central British Columbia. The next chapter of another bedrock source of the long and storied Cariboo Gold Fields is now being written in Hixon”.

Table 1: Reported gold intercepts for QGQ24-20

Drill hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m)* Au g/t Au g/t (capped^) Ag g/t Interval (ft)*
QGQ24-20 20.12 362.08 341.96 0.71 0.52 6.96 1121.9
including 20.12 257 236.88 0.99 0.7 9.77 777.2
including 40.10 177.27 137.17 1.45 0.99 16.05 450.0
including 82.05 105.25   23.20** 4.61 2.2 86.26 76.1
including 82.05 94.00     11.95*** 7.36 3.38 164.95 39.2
including 85.93 90.22      4.29**** 16.35 5.26 9.09 14.1
including 92.00 94.00 2.00 6.36 6.36 957.00 6.1
and including 126.00 128.00 2.00 12.50 9.08 5.60 6.6

* Interval widths reported at this point have insufficient data to reliably estimate true width.

**Core recovery for this interval is 59%

***Core recovery for this interval is 43%

****Core recovery for this interval is 46%

^ Gold grades have been capped at 10 g/t (“grams per tonne”).

QA/QC samples including blanks, standards and coarse reject duplicates constitute 5% of the total number of samples.

The shipments were sent to the ALS laboratory in North Vancouver (accredited) for laboratory analysis. Assays were crushed by ALS to >70% passing below 2 mm and split using a riffle splitter, and 1 kg splits were pulverized to >85% passing below 75 microns. An aqua regia digest with an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) finish was used for 36-element analysis on 0.5 g aliquots. All samples were analyzed for gold content by fire assay with an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) finish on 50 g aliquots. Any sample returning >10 g/t Au was reanalysed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish on a 50 g sample (ALS code: Au-GRA21).

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed by Jean Pautler, P.Geo., a qualified person with respect to NI 43-101.

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Figure 1: Reported gold intercepts in the Halo and North Hixon zones. Northerly drill holes have been undertaken to intersect the northwest-trending zone, gold bearing quartz-carbonate+/- pyrite veins and lithological contacts, and northeast-trending gold bearing quartz-carbonate+/-pyrite veins at an oblique angle

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Figure 2: Cross section of drill hole QGQ24-20 in the Halo zone

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Figure 3: Magnetics map displaying gold zones within the northwest trend. Note the location of the Cayenne and Pioneer Minfiles, representing untested strike along trend from the gold zones.

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Figure 4: Location of the Halo Zone Discovery and nearby infrastructure

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Figure 5: Core photo of bleached volcanics with quartz-carbonate-pyrite veins from 155.20 to 166.42 m in drill hole QGQ24-20

About Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd.

Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. is rediscovering the Cariboo Gold Rush by proceeding with highly targeted drilling and trenching programs on its Quesnelle Gold Quartz Mine property, which is bordered by Osisko Development Corp. (NSE:ODV/TSXV:ODV) and partly intertwined at the north end of the Cariboo Gold Project, and located along a favorable corridor adjacent to the Spanish and Eureka thrust faults over a 94,889 hectare (234,501 acre) area. Historically, over 101 placer gold creeks on the 90 km trend from the Cariboo Hudson mine north to the Quesnelle Gold Quartz Mine property have recorded production and successful placer mining continues to this day.

Golden Cariboo’s Quesnelle Gold Quartz Mine property is 4 km northeast of, and road accessible from, Hixon in central British Columbia. The Project includes the Quesnelle Quartz gold-silver deposit, which was discovered in 1865 in conjunction with placer mining activities. Hixon Creek, which dissects the old workings, is a placer creek which has seen small-scale placer production since the mid 1860s.


For further information please contact:


“J. Frank Callaghan”

J. Frank Callaghan, President & CEO

Tel:  604-669-6463



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