Golden Cariboo to create Quesnelle database 3-D model

Apr 24, 2024

2024-04-24 09:49 ET – News Release


Mr. Frank Callaghan reports


Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. has acquired Micromine 3-D geological modelling software to support exploration activities at its Quesnelle gold quartz mine project (QGQ project) near Hixon, B.C.

The company will utilize the Micromine 3-D geological modelling software to model the property’s historic drill hole database, which dates back to the 1970s and totals over four kilometres of drilling, the majority of which being in the vicinity of the historic Quesnelle quartz mine. The modelling of the drill hole database will enhance the company’s geological understanding of the property, providing new insights into styles of mineralization and their geologic controls. It is expected to unlock further targets to test in the company’s active drill program.

Company president and chief executive officer J. Frank Callaghan commented: “Creating a geological model is an important step in defining the prospects of the QGQ project. Incorporating historic data will allow the company to design an efficient drill program, the objective being to provide a maiden mineral resource on our past-producing gold mining property.”

Mr. Callaghan commented further, stating: “We acquired the QGQ project because of its past production, the presence of a greenstone contact and its potential to host similar mineralization found at the nearby Bonanza Ledge mine, which our team initially discovered, developed and put into production at Osisko Development’s Cariboo gold project. After Golden Cariboo’s team commenced production at the Bonanza Ledge mine and further developed the Cariboo gold project, it was ultimately acquired by Osisko Royalties for $330-million, and now owned and operated by Osisko Development. We see a similar chance to replicate our success at the QGQ project and firmly believe in the principle that you make a mine, you don’t find one.”

Further to company news released on April 9, 2024, announcing the engagement of marketing service providers, terms of the agreements are as follows:

Global One Media, suite 1500, 1155 Metcalfe St., Montreal, Que., H3B 2V6

514-695-0351, [email protected]


  • Cost of services is $5,000 per month for a 12-month term, with an option to cancel after six months;
  • Start date of April 9, 2024.


GoldInvest Consulting GmbH, Rothenbaumchaussee 185, 20149, Hamburg, Germany

49-40-44-195-195, [email protected]


  • Cost of services is $3,000 per month payable in quarterly instalments in advance for a 12-month term;
  • Start date of April 9, 2024.


Arne Lutsch, Rutliweg 2, 8849, Alpthal, Switzerland

41-44-832-6150, [email protected]


  • Cost of services is $3,000 per month payable in quarterly instalments in advance for a 12-month term;
  • Start date of April 9, 2024.


About Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd.

Golden Cariboo Resources is rediscovering the Cariboo gold rush by proceeding with high-grade targeted drilling and trenching programs on its Quesnelle gold quartz mine project which is almost fully encircled on three of four sides by Osisko Development. Historically, over 101 placer gold creeks on the 90 km trend from the Cariboo Hudson mine north to the Quesnelle gold quartz mine have recorded production and successful placer mining continues to this day.

Golden Cariboo’s Quesnelle gold quartz mine property is four km northeast of, and road accessible from, Hixon in central British Columbia. The property includes the Quesnelle quartz gold-silver deposit, which was discovered in 1865 in conjunction with placer mining activities. Hixon Creek, which dissects the Quesnelle gold quartz mine property, is a placer creek which has seen small-scale placer production since the mid-1860s.

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