Path to Profits: One Step Closer to a Coal-Free World?
Hey all, Dave here, and welcome to Path to Profits.
There’s a lot of exciting stuff going on in geotech, strategic materials, finance, and the companies that drive those trends…
You see, no one covers this space like we do. So every week, I’ll highlight the top hotspots gaining momentum in the media.
It’s how we find our best money-making opportunities, just ripe for big gains.
Check out this week’s top hotspots below to find out which trends are gaining traction…
This Week’s Top Hotspots
➤ A billionaire investor said copper is the next boom.
David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital said he’s investing in the EV revolution by buying copper miner Teck Resources. Einhorn believes copper will be key to the doubling of world electricity production needed as EVs roll out.
➤ Generalist funds bought miners to fight inflation.
Cash in mutual funds and ETFs for natural resources topped $70 billion at the end of April, according to new data tracked by Reuters. It’s the highest cash position in resources since September 2018.
➤ The world moved a step closer to going coal-free…
At a G7 meeting last week, Japan agreed to end funding for new coal-powered projects. Japan had been the only G7 nation holding out on a coal ban, worried that China would step in to finance coal projects.
➤ …but coal burning increased at existing U.S. power plants.
Rising natural gas prices in Chicago and the Midcontinent region made it more attractive to burn coal for power. Coal use rose as much as 39% this year at power plants with the ability to switch between fuels.
➤ Brazil tapped an ancient technology to ship its iron ore.
Miner Vale is equipping a massive ore carrier vessel with 7-story sails. Management said using wind power for the boat will save 3,400 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year – especially since the shipping route from Brazil to China is windier than others.
Keep walking the path,
David Forest
Editor, Path to Profits
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