Arizona Ag drills 2ft of 11 g/t Au, 312 g/t Ag in Ariz.

Apr 26, 2021

2021-04-26 07:42 ET – News Release


Mr. Mike Stark rpeorts


Arizona Silver Exploration Inc. has released initial results from core drilling completed in March, 2021, at the company’s Philadelphia gold-silver project located in Mohave county, Arizona. A core drill rig has completed a total of 18 holes to date. Results of three of the first seven holes are shown in the associated table. Results from four core holes completed in March remain outstanding, and results from seven core holes completed in April remain outstanding. Three of those outstanding holes were drilled on the Perry patented claim.


           PC21-61 THROUGH PC21-63 RESULTS            

Section 100N                               
Hole ID      From      To     Interval      Au       Ag
             (ft)    (ft)         (ft)   (g/t)    (g/t)

PC21-61       0.8     3.3          2.5    0.76    132.0
PC21-61       3.3     6.5          3.2    0.39     37.3
PC21-61       6.5     9.5          3.0    0.09     18.9
PC21-61       9.5    12.5          3.0    0.17     15.5
PC21-61      12.5    16.5          4.0    0.14     26.3
PC21-61      16.5    18.0          1.5    0.79     41.7
PC21-61      18.0    23.0          5.0    0.05     13.7
total         0.8    23.0         22.2    0.27    35.53
PC21-62       1.0     3.0          2.0   11.10    316.0
PC21-62       3.0     6.7          3.7    0.66     57.5
PC21-62       6.7     9.7          3.0    0.21     47.7
PC21-62       9.7    12.0          2.3    0.17     23.9
PC21-62      12.0    17.0          5.0    0.15     38.7
PC21-62      17.0    19.3          2.3    4.63      162
total         1.0    19.3         18.3    2.03    87.92
Section 200N
PC21-63      23.1    26.5          3.4    0.07      2.5
PC21-63      26.5    29.3          2.8    0.25      0.8
PC21-63      29.3    32.2          2.9    0.70      4.1
PC21-63      32.2    37.3          5.1    0.24     20.7
PC21-63      37.3    42.0          4.7    0.05     11.4
total        23.1    42.0         18.9    0.23     9.62

All drill intercepts are approximate true widths.


The core rig has demobilized to another client’s project. A reverse circulation (RC) rig is scheduled to arrive mid- to late May to continue drilling the gold-bearing quartz vein on the Perry patented claim. The patented Perry claim was tested in three recently completed core holes testing downdip of a gold-bearing green quartz vein exposed in a shallow pit on the surface. Gold-bearing quartz veins are exposed along much of the strike length (1,250 feet) of the vein on the Perry patented claim. A total of 5,000 to 7,000 feet of RC drilling is planned in 15 to 20 holes to test approximately 500 feet of strike and dip along the vein. The company is financed to complete additional drilling once results are known.

Arizona Silver’s vice-president, exploration, Greg Hahn, commented: “We continue to intersect good gold and silver values in the Philadelphia vein system. We are working on unravelling the structure that has complicated the geology and believe we have identified a faulted extension to the west that should allow us to continue to test the vein system with relatively shallow drill holes.”

Results from the three holes drilled at the Perry claim are not in yet, but the company did see green quartz and clays in all three holes where anticipated and it is anxiously awaiting the assay results.

Quality assurance/quality control program

All assaying was conducted by ALS, an independent analytical laboratory. Core boxes and reverse circulation cuttings were delivered to the ALS sample preparation facility in Tucson, Ariz., where the core is catalogued, photographed, sawed, and crushed and pulverized. Pulverized splits are sent to the ALS analytical facility in Vancouver, B.C., for analyses. All material handling is done under a strict chain-of-custody protocol. Gold is determined by fire assay with an atomic absorption finish, and silver and beryllium are determined by ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) methods within a 31-element suite.

The company maintains its own program of inserting standard reference material in the form of standards and blanks to the sampling stream, prior to being shipped to ALS’s preparation facility in Tucson, Ariz., in addition to the independent QA/QC protocols of ALS.

Qualified person

Mr. Hahn, a certified professional geologist (No. 7122), is a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release.

About Arizona Silver Exploration Inc.

Arizona Silver is a young exploration company focused on exploring underexplored gold-silver properties in western Arizona and now Nevada. The company plans to continue to drill test the Ramsey silver mine property located a short distance east of Quartzsite, Ariz., as time allows. The company has recently received a positive record of decision on its notice of intent to drill an initial eight exploration holes on its recently acquired Silverton gold-silver property with Carlin-type targets. Drilling there will be scheduled as time and equipment allow.

We seek Safe Harbor.

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