Proactive Investors + CEO Brian Fowler: NSG’s latest findings at Miller Gold Property

Dec 2, 2020

CEO Brian Fowler joined Steve Darling from Proactive Investors to discuss Northstar’s Miller Gold Property geophysical results announced Dec 1st. Brian explains how a 3D I.P geophysical survey has greatly enlarged the near-surface and depth signatures for syenite intrusion-related gold mineralization discovered during the 2020 diamond drill program.

Watch the interview and learn why Brian Fowler is “really excited about the exploration implications of these results”, the company’s next steps and strategy to use consulting partner GoldSpot Discoveries Corp.’s AI exploration modeling and interpretive results from a recent gravity and magnetic survey at the Miller Gold Property.



About Northstar Gold Corp.
Prior to going public on the CSE on January 2, 2020 by way of a $3 million Initial Public Offering, Northstar operated for the past 11 years as a private company focused primarily on gold exploration in the prolific Kirkland Lake District in northeastern Ontario (>24.5 million ounces gold produced from 7 mines since 1915). Northstar has an accomplished Board, Special Advisor and Management Group comprised of professionals highly experienced in exploration, mining, finance and investment banking on a global basis.

The Company’s flagship property is the 100% owned Miller Gold Property, situated 18 km southeast of Kirkland Lake and Kirkland Lake Gold’s Macassa SMC gold mine. Northstar has just completed a 5,023 metre, 28 hole drill program and integrated 3D IP, gravity and magnetic survey on the Miller Gold Property, making a number of new gold discoveries.  This includes the near-surface Allied Syenite Gold Zone, returning intercepts that include 19.4 g/t Au over 4.4m within 1.4 g/t Au over 118.5m and 4.7 g/t Au over 8m within a 107.3m interval averaging 1.2 g/t Au.  Northstar is positioning to resume drilling at the Miller Gold Property in November, 2020 with a 4,000 metre, 15 hole Phase II drill program.

Northstar also has 3 additional 100%-owned exploration projects in northern Ontario, including the recently acquired 1,200 ha Rosegrove Property situated 0.5 km from the Miller Gold Property, the 5,090 hectare Bryce Property, an intrusive-gold / PME VMS project located 35 km southwest on the Rideout Break, and the Temagami-Milestone Cu-Ni-Co Property located in Strathcona Township. Northstar is considering options to advance the Bryce and Milestone projects through joint venture partnerships or otherwise.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Brian P. Fowler, P.Geo.
President, CEO and Director
(604) 617-8191
[email protected] 

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Derek Wood
Conduit IR
(403) 200-3569
[email protected]

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