Affinity Metals encourages precautions for Dec. 3 AGM

Nov 30, 2020

2020-11-27 13:02 ET – News Release


Mr. Robert Edwards reports


Affinity Metals Inc., with respect to its annual general meeting of shareholders scheduled to take place on Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020, in Vancouver, B.C., is encouraging shareholders and proxyholders not to attend the meeting in person, particularly if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

In order to comply with the orders of the British Columbia provincial health officer currently in effect related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in response to the additional directives of the provincial and federal governments and health authorities, the meeting will not be open to the public. Access to the meeting will be limited to essential personnel and registered shareholders and proxyholders entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. There will be strict limitations on the number of persons permitted entry to the meeting in order to ensure adherence to social distancing requirements. It will also be mandatory for all persons in attendance at the meeting to wear a face mask/covering.

In order to minimize group sizes and respect social distancing regulations, all shareholders are urged to vote on the matters before the meeting by proxy, which can be submitted electronically, by mail or by phone as further described in the company’s management information circular dated Oct. 29, 2020, by no later than 11 a.m. (Vancouver time) on Dec. 1, 2020.

Given the current exceptional circumstances and the requirement to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic risks, there will be no management presentation at the meeting, nor will there be a question and answer session with management.

As the situation regarding COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, the company reserves the right to implement additional precautionary measures related to the meeting if deemed appropriate.

The company thanks its valued shareholders and apologizes for any inconvenience caused as a result of the precautionary safety measures taken in respect of the meeting.

About Affinity Metals Corp.

Affinity is focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of strategic metal deposits within North America. Affinity is following a hybrid approach of combining the advancement of strategic assets along with following a project generator model.

Affinity recently completed a drill program on the Regal project located near Revelstoke, B.C., and is now awaiting assay results from that work.

The company recently acquired the Carscallen extension property located immediately adjacent to the Melkior-Kirkland Lake Carscallen project in Ontario. A drill program recently commenced and is now well under way.

The company also recently acquired the Windfall North property, located adjacent to Osisko’s Windfall project in Quebec.

Affinity also holds four additional properties located in Ontario and one additional property located in British Columbia.

We seek Safe Harbor.

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