$3 Billion into the Gold Market???

Oct 2, 2020

“Please Lord, give me one more Gold bull market, I promise I will not waste this one…”

  • Rick Rule, CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, on my stage in 2016, talking to a beat up crowd of gold investors.

Gold has been on a tear since late March, up 45% in 5 months. Investors have piled into the junior equities, looking for that small cap torque that can change your life.

I’ve written extensively over the past few weeks about holding cash, being patient, and waiting for the best deals in the resource sector to emerge.

This year the typical summer doldrums were blurred by a mind bending $1.7 Billion sliding in the miners in June – that was 36% of the total money raised year to date in the resource sector (June was followed by another $1.2B in July):

The Gold Review, PrivatePlacements.com
That rush of cash can leave a bitter after taste – four months later, there will be a landslide of free trading stock hitting the market, all at once.

Katusa Research recently tweeted the following chart, shining a light on the record amount of stock coming free trading this month alone:

I look at this and see an opportunity to get positioned in companies I wished you had earlier this year – especially if Gold stays in correction territory. So get some cash ready.

Reflecting on Gold’s correction, this week’s video is Rick Rule talking about his experience riding the ups and downs of 4 Bull/Bear Gold cycles.

“My first bull market in the 1970’s we had a 50% cyclical decline in the middle of a secular bull market…it took real cajones to hang on…”

Click here to hear war stories from the Vet, Rick Rule

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Jay Martin
CEO, Cambridge House

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