Chile to open 400,000 tonnes of lithium reserves up for exploration

Oct 14, 2021

Cecilia Jamasmie | October 14, 2021 | 3:43 am Battery Metals Markets Top Companies Latin America Lithium  Brine pools and processing areas at SQM’s lithium mine on the Atacama salt flat. (Image courtesy of SQM.) Chile will open a tender for the exploration and production of 400,000 tonnes of lithium in an effort to reclaim market share and meet growing demand for the metal used in electric vehicles and high-tech devices. The copper-producing nation, which...

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Manganese X to apply for FDA OK for PureBiotic mist

Oct 14, 2021

2021-10-14 01:07 ET – News Release   Mr. Martin Kepman reports MANGANESE X SUBSIDIARY JV PARTNER PUREBIOTIC AIR PROVIDES POSITIVE UPDATED DATA ON VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY TESTING ON AN IMPORTANT RANGE OF PATHOGENS AND BIOFILM, INCLUDING COVID-19 Manganese X Energy Corp.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Disruptive Battery Corp. (DBC), in conjunction with its U.S. joint venture partner, PureBiotic Air Corp., has received additional positive results from its continuing long-term...

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Puma Exploration samples up to 199 g/t Au at Williams

Oct 14, 2021

2021-10-14 09:56 ET – News Release   Mr. Marcel Robillard reports PUMA EXPLORATION IDENTIFIES MORE HIGH-GRADE GOLD VEINS WITH UP TO 199 G/T* AU FROM SURFACE SAMPLING ON ITS WILLIAMS BROOK GOLD PROPERTY, ATLANTIC CANADA Puma Exploration Inc. has provided additional results, which include very high-grade gold assays of 199 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au), 192 g/t Au and 170.5 g/t Au, from the 2021 field exploration surface sampling program on the 100-per-cent-controlled Williams Brook...

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A.I.S.’s Fosterville Toolleen survey finds Au targets

Oct 14, 2021

2021-10-14 07:55 ET – News Release   Mr. Phillip Thomas reports A.I.S. RESOURCES GRAVITY GEOPHYSICS REVEALS HIGHLY PROSPECTIVE NEW GOLD DRILL TARGETS AT FOSTERVILLE TOOLLEEN GOLD PROJECT A.I.S. Resources Ltd. has received a geophysics reprocessing report from Nordic Geoscience. The red circles in an image on the company’s website show the major drill targets on R1 and R2 on the second order faults resulting from the analysis. Second and third order faults are key mineralization...

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Constantine drills 6.9 m of 7.08% Zn, 2.1% Cu at Palmer

Oct 14, 2021

2021-10-14 07:37 ET – News Release   Mr. Garfield MacVeigh reports CONSTANTINE INTERSECTS 7.08% ZN, 2.10% CU, 40.57 G/T AG AND 0.42 G/T AU OVER 6.9 METERS IN LOWER SOUTH WALL ZONE OF THE PALMER DEPOSIT Constantine Metal Resources Ltd. has provided a summary of the summer field activities and available assay results from its 2021 drill program at the Palmer joint venture project, Alaska. Two diamond drill rigs were mobilized to the Palmer property in early June to complete up to 6,000...

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