Lac Pegma Copper Nickel Cobalt Update

Feb 25, 2021

High Tide Advances Its Lac Pegma Copper-Nickel-Cobalt Deposit TORONTO, Ontario, February 25, 2021 – Avidian Gold Corp (TSX-V: AVG & OTCQB: AVGDF) is pleased to announce that its majority controlled private subsidiary High Tide Resources Corp. (“High Tide or the “Company”) has increased its land position by acquiring 35 additional mineral exploration claims adjacent to its Lac Pegma Copper-Nickel-Cobalt sulphide deposit 50 km southeast of Fermont, Quebec in the southern Labrador...

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Lomiko Sees 500% increase in Graphite Demand

Feb 25, 2021

Lomiko Sees 500% increase in Graphite Demand Lomiko Metals Inc. (“Lomiko”) (TSX-V: LMR, OTC: LMRMF, FSE: DH8C) has monitored news from Automakers in 2020 which indicates a strong trend toward Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption by consumers and a subsequent 500% demand increase in graphite when all end-products are considered. The electrification of transport continues to be one of the major positive trends of the 21st century. A report by Deloitte’s global automotive team predicts that by...

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The Quebec Investment Background for Lomiko Metals

Feb 25, 2021

The Quebec Investment Background for Lomiko Metals The Quebec Government launched a critical minerals development plan which fits in nicely with the US-Canada Collaboration on the development of critical minerals mines and free trade on critical...

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