Aben drills avg. of 37 m of 0.46 g/t Au at Forrest Kerr

Oct 30, 2020

2020-10-30 08:04 ET – News Release   Mr. James Pettit reports ABEN RESOURCES PROVIDES RESULTS AND SUMMARY OF 2020 DRILL PROGRAM AT THE FORREST KERR GOLD PROJECT IN BC’S GOLDEN TRIANGLE Aben Resources Ltd. has provided the results of the recently completed drill program from the Forrest Kerr gold project. The company completed two holes for a total of 990.0 metres. The 2020 drill program tested for the mineralized extension of high-grade polymetallic mineralization on the west...

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Gold should be at $2,500 as Fed balance sheet hits record highs – CrossBorder Capital

Oct 30, 2020

(Kitco News) – The gold market is struggling to find direction. However, with prices trading below $2,000 an ounce, one market analyst still thinks there is plenty of value in the precious metal markets. In a telephone interview with Kitco News, Michael Howell, managing director at CrossBorder Capital, said that he expects it is only a matter of time before gold prices continue to push higher as governments and central banks around the world continue to pursue aggressive stimulus...

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Arizona Silver Exploration – The Philadelphia Property

Oct 30, 2020

Summer 2020 Drill Program Highest grades of gold, silver, and beryllium encountered to date in hole PC20-37, as follows: 33.56 grams/tonne (gpt) Au and 54.7 gpt Ag over 2.35 metres, within a thicker interval of 10.76 metres containing, 9.26 gpt Au , 79.8 gpt Ag, and 344 gpt Be beginning at a depth of 27.96 metres. All five of the other core holes from the initial 2020 drilling program returned excellent gold and silver and beryllium values in the target vein adjacent to and down-dip from...

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A new gold standard is coming, brace for ‘monetary reset’ – Jan Nieuwenhuijs

Oct 29, 2020

Excessive monetary stimulus, a by-product of an “undisciplined” fiat money system, will create problems for our economy as well as financial distortions, and the long-term solution is a monetary “reset,” whereby economies move away from this system and re-adopt a gold standard, said Jan Nieuwenhuijs, gold analyst at The Gold Observer. “There are a lot of financial bubbles, there are excessive debt levels, inequality is rising, you’ve got moral hazards, all these side effects of a...

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Gungnir Doubles Extent of Knaften 300 Gold Zone, Ties-Up Additional Prospective Ground

Oct 29, 2020

Surrey, BC – October 29, 2020 – Gungnir Resources Inc. (GUG: TSX-V, ASWRF: OTCPK) (“Gungnir” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company continues to demonstrate continuity of gold-bearing zones which extend more than 400 metres down-dip at the Knaften 300 Gold Zone (“Knaften 300”). And with growing indications of a sizeable mineralized system, the Company also importantly announces that it has tied-up key adjoining permits to cover the entire 4 x 5 km quartz...

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