Arizona Silver Announces Approval of Notice of Intent to Conduct Exploration Drilling for Silverton Gold-Silver Project, Nye County, Nevada

Sep 29, 2020

Vancouver, British Columbia–(September 29, 2020) – Arizona Silver Exploration Inc. (TSXV: AZS) (OTCQB: AZASF) is pleased to announce that it has filed a Notice of Intent with the US Bureau of Land Management to conduct an initial exploration drilling program at the Silverton gold-silver project in Nye Count, Nevada, and the Company has received a Record of Decision approving the proposed work. The Notice of Intent (“NOI”) covers an exploration program consisting of construction...

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NV Gold receives OK for phase 1 drilling at Sandy

Sep 29, 2020

2020-09-29 10:22 ET – News Release Mr. Peter Ball reports NV GOLD ANNOUNCES PHASE I DRILL PROGRAM AT ITS SANDY GOLD PROJECT IN NEVADA NV Gold Corp. has received necessary drill approvals for its 100-per-cent-owned Sandy gold project, located within the Walker Lane, Lyon county, Nevada, United States. NV Gold’s first drill program at Sandy encompasses up to 1,500 m in up to 10 drill holes. A property-wide geophysical program was recently completed consisting of 198 line-kms of...

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A.I.S. Resources continues Kingston due diligence

Sep 29, 2020

2020-09-29 09:23 ET – News Release Mr. Phillip Thomas reports A.I.S. RESOURCES PROVIDES AN UPDATE ON ITS ADVANCED KINGSTON GOLD PROJECT LOCATED ADJACENT TO NAVARRE MINERALS IN VICTORIA’S GOLDEN TRIANGLE IN AUSTRALIA A.I.S. Resources Ltd. is continuing due diligence on its new Kingston gold project. This advanced gold project is located in Victoria’s Golden Triangle in Australia and encompasses two areas {̘ –} the North Kingston EL and the Ararat EL under one...

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Tocvan Ventures finds pipe-like feature at Pilar

Sep 29, 2020

2020-09-29 06:27 ET – News Release Mr. Derek Wood reports TOCVAN ANNOUNCES THE IDENTIFICATION OF PIPE-LIKE FEATURES AT THE PILAR GOLD-SILVER PROJECT IN SONORA, MEXICO Tocvan Ventures Corp. has made several key observations and conclusions from recent technical studies focused on the identification of a phase 1 program of drill hole targets at the Pilar gold-silver project in Sonora, Mexico. As noted in previous press releases going back to Jan. 7, 2020, the work completed on the Pilar...

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American Creek enters amended deals for 3 properties

Sep 29, 2020

2020-09-28 16:20 ET – News Release Mr. Kelvin Burton reports AMERICAN CREEK AMENDS PROPERTY OPTION AGREEMENTS & ENTERS INTO NEW SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH Agoracom American Creek Resources Ltd. has entered into amended and restated property option agreements with respect to the Silver Side property, the Ample Goldmax property and the Glitter King property. The terms of the original property option agreements were previously announced on Sept. 14, 2016, to Sept. 15, 2016. The company had...

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