NV Gold plans geophysical program for Sandy

Aug 12, 2020

2020-08-12 12:00 ET – News Release Mr. Peter Ball reports NV GOLD PLANS PROPERTY-WIDE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY FOR THE SANDY GOLD PROJECT IN NEVADA NV Gold Corp. has reviewed its recent positive reconnaissance exploration program at the Sandy gold project and is planning a property-wide geophysical program for the property, which is located within the Walker Lane trend in Lyon county, Nevada. To determine the next steps at the Sandy gold project, NV Gold’s technical team from Reno, Nev.,...

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Arizona Silver moves drill core rig to Philadelphia

Aug 12, 2020

2020-08-12 12:40 ET – News Release Mr. Mike Stark reports ARIZONA SILVER EXPLORATION MOVES CORE RIG TO THE PHILADELPHIA PROJECT, ARIZONA Arizona Silver Exploration Inc. has mobilized a core rig to the company’s 100-per-cent-owned Philadelphia property. The Company has moved a core rig to the Philadelphia property. The current drilling program will consist of up to four core holes that will test continuity of the high-grade gold and silver zone on the west side of the Philadelphia...

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American Manganese Inc. – Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Pilot Plant Project Begins New Optimization Tests

Aug 12, 2020

Specialized Equipment Installed and Prepared for Testing August 12, 2020 – Surrey, B.C. Canada TSX-V: AMY | OTC US: AMYZF | FSE: 2AM American Manganese Inc. (“AMY” or the “Company”) is pleased to report that the Company’s contract research lab, Kemetco Research, has installed and prepared the recently received specialized equipment for continued optimization on the Company’s lithium-ion battery recycling pilot plant project. American Manganese’s goal for these...

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Cypress Development pegs Clayton at 3.3Mt LCE measured

Aug 11, 2020

2020-08-11 07:52 ET – News Release Mr. William Willoughby reports CYPRESS DEVELOPMENT ANNOUNCES 55% INCREASE IN LITHIUM MINERAL RESOURCE AT THE CLAYTON VALLEY LITHIUM PROJECT, NEVADA Cypress Development Corp. has provided an updated mineral resource estimate for the company’s Clayton Valley lithium project in Nevada, United States. The work was completed by Global Resource Engineering located in Denver, Colorado. The updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the project utilizes the...

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Eloro Resources Ltd. Announces Completion of Underground Drill Bays for Diamond Drilling Program at Iska Iska Silver-Polymetallic Property Area, Potosi Department, Southern Bolivia

Aug 11, 2020

Toronto, Canada, August 11, 2020 – Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ELO; FSE: P2Q) (“Eloro”, or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its Bolivian subsidiary Minera Tupiza S.R.L. has completed the three (3) underground drill bays in the Huayra Kasa Mine required for the planned 3,500m underground diamond drilling program on its optioned Iska Iska Polymetallic Project in Potosi Department, southern Bolivia. The Company and contractor Empresa Minera...

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