Manganese X enters partnership with Ecor Cleaning

Jun 18, 2020

2020-06-18 00:21 ET – News Release Mr. Martin Kepman reports MANGANESE X SUBSIDIARY SIGNS DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT FOR AIR DISINFECTANT SYSTEM WITH ECOR CLEANING LIMITED FOR 54 COUNTRIES IN AFRICA Disruptive Battery Corp. (DBC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Manganese X Energy Corp., has confirmed signing of a partnership agreement for continental African distribution of an air disinfectant system with Ecor Cleaning Pty. Ltd. of South Africa (ECOR). The current global health crisis has...

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Puma Exploration begins exploration at Triple Fault

Jun 18, 2020

2020-06-17 13:07 ET – News Release Mr. Marcel Robillard reports PUMA LAUNCHES ITS FIRST EXPLORATION PROGRAM ON THE TRIPLE FAULT GOLD PROJECT IN NEW BRUNSWICK Puma Exploration Inc. has begun its first exploration program at its flagship Triple Fault gold project in New Brunswick. The initial phase of the program will incorporate large detailed prospecting, mapping, trenching and stripping focused over the entire William Brook property of the Triple Fault gold project. The William Brook...

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