American Manganese receives initial lithium-ion battery recycling test results

Oct 29, 2019

American Manganese Inc., Surrey, British Columbia, developed a system designed to extract metals from spent electric vehicle batteries earlier this year. At the beginning of October, the company had announced that its independent contract lab, Kemetco Research Inc., had begun testing third-party lithium-ion battery materials after a successful pilot of the plant project’s final stage in September. According to a news release from American Manganese, the company has received initial results...

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Manganese X contractor works on purifying Mn sulphate

Oct 29, 2019

2019-10-24 07:57 ET – News Release Mr. Martin Kepman reports MANGANESE X ENERGY UPDATE: ULTRA PURE METALLURGICAL PROJECT Manganese X Energy Corp. has received an encouraging update from Kemetco Research Inc., which is developing a commercializable flow sheet to produce ultrahigh-purity (greater than 99.9 per cent) battery-grade manganese for the growing electric vehicle and energy storage sectors. As previously disclosed from the company’s Battery Hill property located in New...

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Fancamp begins line cutting at Mallard, Heenan

Oct 29, 2019

2019-10-28 11:39 ET – News Release Mr. Peter H. Smith reports FANCAMP REPORT ON CURRENT ACTIVITY – THE 10,000 ACRE HEENAN/MALLARD REGIONAL GOLD TARGET Fancamp Exploration Ltd. has commenced a line cutting and geophysical program on its 100-per-cent-owned Mallard gold and Heenan Properties, located 15 kilometres west of Iamgold’s Cote Lake deposit situated within the Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario. A total of approximately 20 km of line cutting is currently being completed,...

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