Giga recovers 23% nickel concentrate at Turnagain

Oct 16, 2019

2019-10-15 12:43 ET – News Release Mr. Mark Jarvis reports GIGA METALS PROVIDES TURNAGAIN PROJECT UPDATE Mark Jarvis, chief executive officer of Giga Metals Corp., has provided a corporate update on metallurgical and engineering work focused on Giga’s 100-per-cent-owned Turnagain nickel-cobalt sulphide project located in Northern British Columbia, Canada. “We have recently compiled our extensive historical metallurgical work and are currently conducting a robust variability...

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In The Pit: Mike Stark, President and CEO, Arizona Silver

Oct 16, 2019

Arizona Silver is at an earlier stage of exploration than I’m usually interested in, but good silver plays are hard to find, so I dragged CEO Mike Stark into the pit with me to ask him about his company. He was a good sport answering my questions—and surprisingly brief. That made for a fast-paced and highly informative conversation. (Note that Mike made reference to many of the slides on his corporate presentation, which you can...

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Full interview: Arizona Silver Exploration drills two holes at Philadelphia project in Arizona

Oct 16, 2019

 Arizona Silver Exploration (CVE: AZS) CEO Mike Stark sat down with Steve Darling from Proactive Vancouver to discuss the starting of their drill program on the Philadelphia Project in Arizona. Stark telling Proactive where they have stepped out on these two core holes and when they expect results back. Stark also addressed the company’s current financing...

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