Spearmint increases Quebec V land to 13,985 acres

Dec 13, 2018

2018-12-13 07:30 ET – News Release Mr. James Nelson reports SPEARMINT SIGNIFICANTLY EXPANDS ITS VANADIUM ACREAGE IN QUEBEC AFTER ENCOUNTERING SHARPLY DEFINED ANOMALY Upon receiving preliminary airborne data, Spearmint Resources Inc. has immediately increased its acreage in the Chibougamau vanadium district to 13,985 contiguous acres. James Nelson, president of Spearmint, stated: “We are optimistic to have received such encouraging preliminary data from the airborne surveys and are...

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MGX partner CLS starts drilling at Francisco basin

Dec 13, 2018

2018-12-13 06:16 ET – News Release Mr. Jared Lazerson reports MGX MINERALS ANNOUNCES DRILLING AT FRANCISCO BASIN LITHIUM PROJECT, CHILE MGX Minerals Inc.’s joint venture partner Chilean Lithium Salars (CLS) is drilling at the Francisco basin project located 30 kilometres south of the Salar de Maricunga. The five-hole program was designed to target the brine aquifer that extends from the Northern Lagoon, where samples in May of 2018 averaged 694 milligrams per litre lithium (see...

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Berkwood Resources Ltd.- Mercedes-Benz buying $23 Billion of Battery Cells.

Dec 13, 2018

Berkwood Resources Ltd, (TSX: BKR,  FSE: BR2, WKN:A110N3)  may benefit from Mercedes-Benz buying $23 billion of battery cells.   Berkwood has made a large graphite discovery and graphite is used in the Anode of electric car batteries. Berkwood is part of the green energy trend. Daimler is buying nearly $23 billion of battery cells to power its electric vehicle offensive Daimler plans to buy $23 billion worth of battery cells by 2030 as the maker of Mercedes-Benz vehicles and commercial...

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American Lithium talks historical results at Fish Lake

Dec 12, 2018

2018-12-12 09:17 ET – News Release Mr. Michael Kobler reports AMERICAN LITHIUM CONFIRMS HISTORIC CLAYSTONE GRADES AT NORTH END OF NEVADA FLV PROJECT American Lithium Corp. has received historic assay data for samples taken from claystone sedimentary rocks on the Colorado claims on the northern extension of its Fish Lake Valley property. The highest-grade sample was confirmed using the SciAps Inc. handheld Z300 laser-induced breakdown spectroscope (LIBS). Four samples assayed by ALS Chemex...

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MGX Minerals drills 4.1 m of 6.55 g/t Au at Fran

Dec 12, 2018

2018-12-12 06:07 ET – News Release Mr. Jared Lazerson reports MGX MINERALS REPORTS HIGH-GRADE GOLD MINERALIZATION AT DEPTH FRAN GOLD PROJECT, BRITISH COLUMBIA; WINTER DRILLING UNDERWAY MGX Minerals Inc. has released additional drill results from its fall 2018 drill program at the Fran gold property in British Columbia, 30 kilometres southwest of the Mount Milligan gold-copper mine. Drill hole FR18-96 intersected the down-dip extensions of auriferous veins known as Zone 3, Zone 2, and Zone...

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