Spearmint acquires Safari prospect in B.C.

Oct 19, 2018

2018-10-19 06:03 ET – News Release Mr. James Nelson reports SPEARMINT ACQUIRES DISTRICT SIZE COPPER-GOLD PROJECT BORDERING SERENGETI RESOURCES INC. IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Spearmint Resources Inc. has acquired the Safari prospect, a district-size claims package consisting of 9,007 contiguous acres located in the northern Quesnel trough in north-central British Columbia. The Quesnel trough hosts numerous porphyry copper-gold deposits and are accessible by road from the city of Fort St. James,...

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Manganese X to acquire 500K shares of Mountain Spring

Oct 19, 2018

2018-10-18 16:37 ET – News Release Mr. Martin Kepman reports MANGANESE X TO ACQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL 500,000 MOUNTAIN SPRING OIL AND GAS SHARES TO INCREASE INTEREST TO 25% Manganese X Energy Corp. has agreed in principal to purchase an additional 500,000 shares by way of a private placement at $1 a share. This will represent an additional ownership of 10 per cent of Mountain Spring Oil and Gas Ltd. by Manganese X amounting to a grand total of 1.25 million shares or 25-per-cent ownership of...

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